RubyGems Navigation menu

open4 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 open4

wakame 0.5.1

A distributed service framework on top of Cloud environments.

18,412 下載

videojuicer-player-sdk 0.4.3

Videojuicer Player SDK runtime and compiler to create and build Player Addons.

17,472 下載

mdisc 0.1.6

A local music player based on Netease music.

16,955 下載

doughboy 0.1.0

Doughboy is a Ruby library that strives to enable developers to easily make subprocesse...

16,568 下載

basis 1.1.0

Basis is a project skeleton generator. It'll have more docs at some point. 1.x release...

16,492 下載

regrit 0.2.1

Deal with remote git repositories, yo.

16,485 下載

benchtool 0.1.3

A simple wrapper tool for Apache Bench.

16,156 下載

kid80-cijoe 0.2.2

CI Joe is a simple Continuous Integration server.

15,746 下載

engineyard-dns 1.1.0

Easily configure your DNS with Engine Yard AppCloud via Fog.

15,669 下載

alex_r 0.0.3

Allows you execute RScript

15,391 下載

voyeur 0.2.0

A ruby library to convert videos into common html5 formats

15,197 下載

baracus 0.3

httperf wrapper for couchdb

15,177 下載

thrush 0.1.0

A DSL for building shell scripts

15,089 下載

backup-ssh 4.4.5

Backup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to easily...

14,972 下載

cloud-toaster 1.1.6

A tool for automated testing and debugging of automation scripts (e.g., Chef).

14,907 下載

manbook 1.1.0

The manbook command can be used to produce an eBook from one or more man pages.

14,816 下載


Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

14,651 下載

mattmatt-jekyll 0.4.5

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

14,643 下載

mbailey-ruby-xen 0.1.2

ruby-xen allows you to manage Xen virtual servers via Ruby. It currently wraps the com...

14,632 下載

matflores-jekyll 0.5.0

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

14,613 下載

scarlet 0.1.2

Generates XHTML slideshows from text files using Textile for markup. Does syntax highli...

14,533 下載

shell-executer 1.0.1

Shell::Executer provides an easy and robust way to execute shell commands. The stdout...

14,457 下載

wakame-vdc-agents 11.12.0

Datacenter Hypervisor

14,369 下載

nirvdrum-jekyll 0.7.0

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

14,198 下載

Exit_0 1.4.2

A simple method that runs a child process and raises Exit_0::Non_0 if $?.exitstatus...

14,160 下載

airblade-fyi 1.0.1

Be informed about task execution.

14,059 下載

puppetize 0.1.0

Puppetize is a tool that can generate complete modules from systems

13,667 下載

briefcase 0.4.2

Command line program to migrate dotfiles to a git repo at ~/.dotfiles and generate stat...

13,291 下載

shelltastic 1.0.0

Shelltastic is a simple *nix shell wrapper that you can use in your own applications.

13,204 下載


Open4 cross-platform

13,138 下載

總下載次數 97,804,235

這個版本 86,394,473



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
