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omniauth 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 omniauth

omniauth-calendly 1.0.3

OmniAuth strategy for Calendly

32,236 下載

omniauth-calendly 1.0.3

OmniAuth strategy for Calendly

32,236 下載

omniauth-tapjoy 1.4.3

An omniauth provider to connect to Tapjoy

32,101 下載

omniauth-latvija 7.0.0 authentication strategy for OmniAuth

31,547 下載

ibrain-auth 0.3.20

Its Auth is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.

31,043 下載

lol_auth 0.1.15

Add auth features

30,798 下載

frame 0.1.3

Frame will setup various Ruby on Rails projects with an instantly usable application. T...

30,387 下載

acts_as_tumblr 0.0.5

Tumblr Essentials

30,341 下載


A Ruby interface to the deviantART API, with some tokens from OAuth API.

30,184 下載

omniauth-td 0.0.10

OmniAuth strategy for Treasure Data

30,137 下載

omniauth-digitalocean 0.3.2

Official OmniAuth strategy for Digitalocean

29,938 下載

omniauth-tent 0.2.1

Omniauth Strategy for Tent

29,789 下載

omniauth-zendesk-oauth2 0.1

OmniAuth Strategy for Zendesk via OAuth2

29,739 下載

openstax_connect 0.1.0

Rails common code and bindings and for 'accounts' API

29,360 下載

omniauth-salesforce-ruby 1.1.1

OmniAuth strategy for

29,159 下載

koinz 0.0.8

Koinz clients require authentication via oauth koinz provider. They can also publish/su...

29,146 下載

sinatra_omniauth 1.3.0

This Sinatra extension, derived from omniauth_pure by Marcus Proske, adds OmniAuth auth...

29,067 下載

loyal_devise 2.2.6

Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden

29,022 下載

omniauth-blockstack 19.1.2

An OmniAuth strategy to accept Blockstack Auth decentralized sign-on.

28,993 下載

rack-federated-auth 0.3.0

Provides a simple authentication middleware to lock down Rack-based apps

28,438 下載

chronicle-etl 0.6.1

Chronicle-ETL allows you to extract personal data from a variety of services, transform...

28,370 下載

omniauth-chef 0.4.1

OmniAuth strategy for Chef

27,656 下載

devise-multi_auth 0.3.2

A Devise plugin for exposing multiple authentication providers via omniauth.

27,116 下載

gitkeeper 0.0.9

An engine for Rails 4.1.0, MongoID, OmniAuth, to Sign in with Github

27,086 下載

phobos_checkpoint_ui 2.0.0

Phobos Checkpoint UI is a GUI for phobos checkpoint API, it is compatible with https://...

27,071 下載

omniauth-bitbucket2 1.0.0

OmniAuth strategy for Bitbucket.

27,014 下載

simple_admin_auth 0.1.4

Add simple admin authentication to any Rails application, using Google Apps for authent...

26,435 下載

omniauth-nextengine 0.5.0

Next Engine strategy for OmniAuth

26,000 下載

goldencobra 2.3.4

This is the basic module of Golden Cobra. It offers Devise, ActiveAdmin, an article mod...

25,156 下載

omniauth-kounta 0.1.0

OmniAuth strategy for Kounta.

25,091 下載

總下載次數 152,735,166

這個版本 5,201,894




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.2

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.3.5
