octokitの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はoctokitを必要としています
rbcli 0.4.1
Rbcli is a framework to quickly develop command-line tools and applications.
42,415 ダウンロード数
reagan 1.1.0
Trust But Verify - Ruby build script for Jenkins that automates the testing of Chef coo...
42,252 ダウンロード数
puppetfile-updater 0.6.0
Keep your Puppet file up-to-date with latest versions from the Forge and GitHub.
42,086 ダウンロード数
git-ready 0.9.8
git-ready gets you ready to work with an established team that already uses GitHub.
41,834 ダウンロード数
berktacular 2.0.1
Generates a Berksfile from JSON style Chef environment files. Also support extension t...
41,714 ダウンロード数
safedb 0.10.17
safe is a credentials manager for the linux command line written in Ruby. It locks and ...
41,626 ダウンロード数
right_hook 0.5.2
A collection of tools for making web apps that respond to GitHub hooks.
40,855 ダウンロード数
mr_bump 0.3.7
Bump versions
40,630 ダウンロード数
cp8_cli 9.1.1
Cookpad Global CLI.
40,556 ダウンロード数
worochi 0.0.18
Provides a standard way to interface with Ruby API wrappers provided by various cloud s...
40,284 ダウンロード数
octorelease 0.0.6
38,747 ダウンロード数
github-backup 0.11.0
Library and command line tool for backing up GitHub repositories
38,740 ダウンロード数
about_yml 0.0.10
The .about.yml mechanism allows an project to publish and maintain metadata that can be...
38,660 ダウンロード数
fourchette 0.1.4
Fourchette is your new best friend for having isolated testing environment. It will hel...
38,589 ダウンロード数
ops_deploy 0.2.0
Perform deployment & checks on AWS OpsWorks. You can deploy, wait for deployments t...
38,349 ダウンロード数
git-scripts 0.9.3
User scripts for managing and merging feature branches.
37,520 ダウンロード数
dropcaster 1.2.0
Dropcaster is a podcast feed generator for the command line. It is most simple to use w...
37,248 ダウンロード数
gitfinger 0.1.0
Finger GitHub users
37,211 ダウンロード数
comsat 0.1.0
Notifications as a Gem
37,178 ダウンロード数
anchorman 0.9.5
Extract release notes from your git log
36,959 ダウンロード数
onlyoffice_github_helper 1.4.0
Github Helper Gem for ONLYOFFICE QA
36,946 ダウンロード数
codeinventory-github 0.4.2
A plugin for the CodeInventory gem that harvests project metadata from YAML or JSON fil...
36,888 ダウンロード数
rightscale-cli 0.6.0
RightScale command line interface client.
36,252 ダウンロード数
github-copywriter 1.2.4
github-copywriter scans through your repositories and updates any copyrights it finds.
36,204 ダウンロード数
hublingo 0.1.4
Seek the languages they love
35,898 ダウンロード数
see 0.0.19
Project status for programmers
35,793 ダウンロード数
spaarti 3.0.0
Maintain local clones of repos you have access to on GitHub
35,472 ダウンロード数
rs-api-tools 0.0.13
RightScale API Command Line Tools.
35,461 ダウンロード数
contribution-checker 2.0.0
Check whether a GitHub commit is counted as a contribution for a specific GitHub user.
35,364 ダウンロード数
heroku_feature_deployments 0.7.4
Gem to deploy the current git branch to a new app on heroku
34,955 ダウンロード数