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Dependencias inversas para net-ssh-gateway La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren net-ssh-gateway

logstash-input-remote_proc 0.8.3

This gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

38.583 Descargas

HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-capistrano 2.5.28

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

28.772 Descargas

capistrano3-consul 0.3.6

Use consul as a server inventory for capistrano.

28.765 Descargas

contexto 0.4.5

Shows you context for ECS services and containers.

27.000 Descargas

salticid 1.0.1

Run commands over SSH, with Ruby magic.

26.825 Descargas

lolitado 0.1.4

Lolitado DSL that works with Watir

23.130 Descargas

restfully-addons 1.3.1

Addons for Restfully

21.985 Descargas

priteau-vizir 0.2.6

Vizir is a simple Ruby script for Mac OS X that monitors your interactive jobs on Grid'...

21.477 Descargas

hsume2-localtunnel 0.3

instant public tunnel to your local web server

18.945 Descargas

sauce_ruby 3.5.11

Fork of the sauce Ruby gem

15.168 Descargas

foundry_wordpress_tool 0.0.5

Helps manage Wordpress environments

14.548 Descargas

vizir 0.2.6

Vizir is a simple Ruby script for Mac OS X that monitors your interactive jobs on Grid'...

14.466 Descargas

remotus 1.2.0

Ruby gem for connecting to remote systems seamlessly via WinRM or SSH.

12.492 Descargas

prize 0.3.2

Simple Redis CLI client with pry loaded

12.460 Descargas


Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

11.018 Descargas

EndlessWaffleCLI 0.1.6

Command line tools for the Endless Waffle server

10.809 Descargas

mogotest 0.10.0

Test your local Web servers on Mogotest without poking a hole in your firewall.

10.792 Descargas

Narnach-simple_gate 0.5.4

SimpleGate makes it possible to use net/ssh/gateway's capabilities in a simple to use way.

10.354 Descargas

myaxes 0.1.2

Simple console app for remote execute mysql queries

10.263 Descargas

bfire 0.3.0

Launch experiments on BonFIRE

9.655 Descargas

mbailey-capistrano 2.5.7

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

8.893 Descargas

capissh 0.0.2

Extraction of Capistrano's parallel SSH command execution

7.737 Descargas

net-ssh-xlogin 0.2.6

xlogin to net-ssh

7.116 Descargas

rubygems_over_ssh 0.0.3

leverage your pub-key architecture with a private gem host

6.777 Descargas

passageway 0.0.2

A Ruby-based client for localtunnel

6.411 Descargas

delayed_job-ssh_remote_worker 1.1.0

Provides a few rake tasks to run DelayedJob jobs on a remote server over SSH

6.147 Descargas

active_record-ssh_tunnel 1.0.0

Connect ActiveRecord with SSH Tunnel.

5.962 Descargas

quandl_sandbox 0.1.1

Launch and execute code inside an ec2 instance. Supports vpc private subnet via ssh gat...

5.953 Descargas

thoughtbot-capistrano 2.5.6

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

5.539 Descargas

capistrano-edge 2.5.6

Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...

5.471 Descargas

Total de descargas 50.495.570

Para esta versión 20.932.733



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
