net-sftp 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 net-sftp
oode 0.2.6
`oode` makes working in Appleton Tower much easier from laptops by automating some of...
52,265 下載
typingpool 0.8.15
An app for transcribing audio using Mechanical Turk
51,093 下載
snapsync 0.5.0
Snapsync is a tool that automates transferring snapper snapshots to external media (USB...
49,481 下載
outback 1.1.0
A Ruby backup tool
46,570 下載
henshin 0.4.2
Henshin is a static site generator, with a plugin system and more
45,615 下載
xiki 0.6.5
Xiki does what shell consoles do, but lets you edit everything at any time. It's trivia...
43,280 下載
multiwoven-integrations 0.19.3
Multiwoven Integrations is a comprehensive Ruby gem designed to facilitate seamless con...
42,923 下載
motherbrain 1.5.0
An orchestrator for Chef
42,548 下載
keepitsafe 0.2.6
A Gem for simple creation of backup scripts
40,332 下載
sensu-plugins-sftp 2.1.1
This plugin provides native SFTP instrumentation for moni...
40,314 下載
bobhr 0.5.34
Ruby gem for Bob API
38,777 下載
teuton 2.9.2
Intrastructure test, useful for: (1) Sysadmin teachers to evaluate students remote ma...
37,956 下載
fastlane-plugin-apprepo 0.5.5
Fastlane plugin SFTP/AppRepo uploader
37,893 下載
backup_rails 0.0.9
Easy use backup gem with Rails.
36,251 下載
who-needs-wp 0.7.0
A static web site generator.
35,196 下載
orca 0.4.1
Orca is a super simple way to build and configure servers
34,360 下載
dreamback 0.0.9
The easiest, cheapest way to back up your dreamhost accounts
32,255 下載
travis-custom-deploy 0.0.6
Deploy your ruby based applications to your own servers
31,667 下載
gploy 0.2.0
30,233 下載
lockr 0.5.2
Lockr is a password manager that features a local web interface (...
30,161 下載
HeSYINUvSBZfxqA-capistrano 2.5.28
Capistrano is a utility and framework for executing commands in parallel on multiple re...
29,779 下載
file_transfer 0.0.11
File Transfer Handler for multiple Protocols
29,754 下載
easy_backup 0.0.8
Simple DSL to program backups
28,635 下載
pawnee 0.1.5
Pawnee attempts to build a better server provisioning system
28,336 下載
zine 0.22.0
I rewrote Zine in Rust. The version in this gem is no longer maintained. Please see mi...
28,050 下載
dollhouse 0.2.2
Dollhouse is a way to deploy servers. It is designed to be used with Babushka.
26,942 下載
euromail 0.6.0
Euromail SFTP service
25,386 下載
shenandoah 0.2.0
A javascript test framework for buildr, rails, and other ruby-built projects
23,899 下載
odisk 1.0.2
Remote Encrypted File Synchronization, oDisk
23,838 下載
apprepo 0.2.0
Upload icon, manifest.json and your app to SFTP server and notify users on updaet us...
23,441 下載