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net-ldap 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 net-ldap

openldap_monitor_extractor 0.0.7

OpenLDAP stats gem extractor

14,359 下載

ffcrm_ldap 0.1.4

ldap plugin for ffcrm

14,354 下載

qooxview 1.9.1312

This is a very simple framework to create small frontends in a webserver

13,202 下載

igp 1.1.0

Simple command-line server monitoring with a range of protocols: ICMP, TCP, UDP, HTTP/S...

13,171 下載

rack-auth-ldap 1.2.3

rack-auth-ldap : provide LDAP authentication for Rack middelware

13,037 下載

bmedia-casserver 1.1.3

Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol.

12,974 下載

ldaptic 0.2.2

Include a parameterized dynamic module in a namespace and get a full LDAP class hierarc...

11,830 下載

omniauth-ldap2 1.0.4

A LDAP strategy for OmniAuth.

11,800 下載

ldap_disambiguate 0.0.5

Queries the PSU ldap to see if it can find a user that matches the text to get the pref...

11,645 下載

logstash-input-netldap 1.0.4

This gem is a Logstash input plugin allowing to retrieve entries from a LDAP directory....

11,563 下載

oa-pubcookie 0.1.0

Omniauth strategy using pubcookie with special additions for CMU students where informa...

11,480 下載

radum 0.0.3

RADUM is a module to manage users and groups in Active Directory uisng pure Ruby on...

11,420 下載

ldap_groups_lookup 0.7.0

Provides easy access to the list of LDAP groups a username is a member of.

11,371 下載

hiera-ldapprovider 1.0.4

Hiera backend for ldap properties

11,263 下載

ad 1.1.1

A wrapper around Ruby's net-ldap library to ease authentication and record finding

11,186 下載

skylark 0.0.3

A CLI-based LDAP scraper whose intended purpose is to dump an entire LDAP search into a...

10,261 下載

simple_ldap_authenticator 1.1.0

Easy authentication to an LDAP server(s)

9,889 下載

kiro-omniauth-ldap 1.0.8

A LDAP strategy for OmniAuth.

9,858 下載

libertree-model 0.9.16

Database library for Libertree

9,790 下載

ldap_lookup 0.1.8

This module is to be used for anonymous lookup of attributes in the MCommunity service ...

9,729 下載

safety_goggles 2.2.1

Rails error handler that integrates with Sentry and generates 4xx error responses

9,705 下載

ku-ldap 0.0.3

A client for the Copenhagen University LDAP service.

9,702 下載

ad_search 0.0.2

Allows you to connect to and search your Active Directory system for users that have ...

9,360 下載


LDAP authentication module for Devise

9,141 下載


Cloudscaling LDAP tools and helpers

8,865 下載

cmu_person 0.0.2

This tool is used to search Carnegie Mellon's LDAP directory. Provide an Andrew ID and ...

8,700 下載


Core functionality for BarkerEST web apps.

8,470 下載

oa-ldap 0.0.2

LDAP strategies for OmniAuth.

8,443 下載

password_expiration_notifier 0.1.2

Notify the password expiration date of the Active Directory account

8,089 下載

lita-ldap 0.1.2

Lita LDAP operations like search user and group.

7,732 下載

總下載次數 64,553,653

這個版本 555,515



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.0.0
