RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para mysql2 La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mysql2

rails-bigint-pk 1.2.0

Rails-bigint-pk modifies Rails so that it uses 64-bit primary and f...

92.817 Descargas

http_utilities 1.4.3

Wrapper for Faraday with additional functionality

90.233 Descargas

fuzzily_reloaded 1.0.1

Fast fuzzy string matching for rails

89.461 Descargas

enju_purchase_request 0.3.2

Purchase request management for Next-L Enju

88.853 Descargas

shiba 0.9.4

Use production statistics for realistic SQL query analysis. Finds code that may take do...

88.221 Descargas

miteru 2.3.0

A phishing kit collector for scavengers

88.133 Descargas

validates_by_schema 0.5.1

Keep your code DRY by inferring column validations from table properties! Automagically...

84.449 Descargas

docker-rails 1.1.0

A simplified pattern to execute rails applications within Docker (with a CI build empha...

83.012 Descargas

comma-heaven 0.8.4

CommaHeaven permits easy exports of Rails models to CSV

82.893 Descargas

spatial_adapter 1.3.1

Provides enhancements to ActiveRecord to handle spatial datatypes in PostgreSQL and...

82.466 Descargas

directiverecord 0.1.32

A layer on top of ActiveRecord for using paths within queries without thinking about as...

82.182 Descargas

shoppe 1.1.2

A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.

81.499 Descargas

activerecord_enum 0.4.1

Adds the ENUM data type natively to ActiveRecord.

80.434 Descargas

enju_oai 0.3.1

provide OAI-PMH methods for Next-L Enju

80.076 Descargas

converse 1.0.26

Converse provides Broker/Translator classes to facilitate communication across an API b...

79.221 Descargas

nezu 0.9.4

Skel generator and launcher for amqp consumers.

78.057 Descargas

sexy_scopes 0.8.0

Small DSL to create ActiveRecord (>= 3.1) attribute predicates without writing SQL.

77.877 Descargas

shinq 1.3.0

Worker and enqueuer for Q4M using the interface of ActiveJob.

77.726 Descargas

redhillonrails_core 1.2.0

Adds support in ActiveRecord for foreign_keys, complex indexes and other database-relat...

77.154 Descargas

recruiter 1.1.18

Recruiter is a Rails Engine for adding job posting functionality to a Rails APP. U...

76.583 Descargas

configvars_rails 0.6.1

This gem provides a model and simple controller for storing global application conf...

74.911 Descargas

temporal_tables 3.0.1

Easily recall what your data looked like at any point in the past! TemporalTables s...

74.808 Descargas

opay 1.3.2

Payu (polish payment service) rails engine.

74.782 Descargas

rails-sharding 1.2.2

This gems allows you to easily create extra databases to your rails application, an...

74.348 Descargas

rake_migrations 1.0.10

This gem creates a rake_migrations table and keeps track of rake tasks similar to migra...

73.748 Descargas

bio-ucsc-api 0.6.5

Ruby UCSC API: accessing the UCSC Genome Database using Ruby

73.708 Descargas

c80_map_floors 0.2.2

Map + map editor

72.646 Descargas

gct 0.5.8

"gct ios 自动化脚本工具"

72.632 Descargas

puffer_pages 0.5.1

Puffer pages is integratable rails CMS with puffer admin interface

72.514 Descargas

smithycms 0.8.1

Smithy CMS is a Rails Engine built to manage your content easily and play nicely with o...

72.431 Descargas

Total de descargas 186.808.353

Para esta versión 4.869.628



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.0.0
