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mongoid 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mongoid

geonames_local 3.3.5

Dumps geonames data to feed a local db

59,947 下載

type_station 0.7.0

A simple CMS that just works and can be bolted onto a rails app with easy.

59,943 下載

mongoid_relations_dirty_tracking 0.2.2

Mongoid extension for tracking changes on document relations

59,647 下載

mongoid-simple-userstamps 1.2.0

Simple way to add user stamps to your models.

59,252 下載

simple_form_attachments 1.2.0

A Rails engine which takes care of creating Attachments using the jQuery File Upload pl...

57,721 下載

awesome_explain 1.0.1

AwesomeExplain provides the same APM level of query analysis under your development and...

57,580 下載

Redir 0.0.4

This gem adds functionality to shorten url's and gather data about requests going throu...

56,738 下載

mongoid_session_store 2.1.0

Store rails 3 sessions in mongoDB.

55,848 下載

hot_date_rails 2.0.2

A gem that allows you to add date only, time only and datetime pickers to your forms. ...

55,467 下載

vidibus-permalink 1.5.0

Allows changeable permalinks (good for SEO).

55,245 下載

glebtv-rails-uploader 0.12.0

Rails HTML5 FileUpload helpers

54,943 下載


Lets you use the Workflow gem with your Mongoid documents to add state machine function...

54,577 下載

virtuatable 3.2.3

This gem holds controllers, errors, service delcarations, etc. for the Virtuatable serv...

53,869 下載

roles_mongoid 0.4.8

Makes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in Mongoid

53,807 下載

roles_mongoid 0.4.8

Makes it easy to set a role strategy on your User model in Mongoid

53,807 下載

mongoid_colored_logger 0.2.4

Beautiful logging for Mongoid

52,870 下載

wice_grid_mongoid 6.2.3

A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and (automatically genera...

51,820 下載

facteur 1.3.0

Facteur allows you add a messaging system in your Rails 3. You can create many mailboxe...

51,519 下載

mongoid-normalize-strings 0.1.3

Normalize fields of type string in your Mongoid models.

51,287 下載

khronos 0.1.4

Simple HTTP-based Job scheduling for the cloud.

51,247 下載

frecon 1.5.0

A JSON API in Sinatra for scouting FRC competitions, and that manages the database usin...

51,023 下載

mumuki-classroom 9.23.0

Teacher tools for Mumuki

50,989 下載

mongration 0.0.7

Mongration is a tool for migrating data. It is designed to have the same interface as A...

50,624 下載

mongoid_auto_increment_id 0.8.1

This gem for change Mongoid id field as Integer like MySQL.

50,432 下載

database_flusher 0.3.4

super-fast database cleaner

50,265 下載

geopolitical 3.0.0

Geopolitical models for mongoid as a rails engine.

50,102 下載

voluntary 0.7.1

#Crowdsourcing management system for #RubyOnRails:

50,089 下載

mongoid_embedded_helper 0.3.2

Facilitates performing queries on collections in embedded Mongoid documents by performi...

49,166 下載

mongoid_embedded_helper 0.3.2

Facilitates performing queries on collections in embedded Mongoid documents by performi...

49,166 下載

mongoid-enum-dazzl 1.0.1

Heavily inspired by DDH's ActiveRecord::Enum, this little library is there to help ...

48,924 下載

總下載次數 37,529,076

這個版本 28,419



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.3.6
