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mongoid 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mongoid


Make your Mongoid model acts as a list. This acts_as extension provides the capabilitie...

75,139 下載

mongoid_query_string_interface 0.7.2

Gives a method that can parse query string parameters into a set of criterias that Mong...

74,367 下載

mongoid_collection_snapshot 1.2.1

Easy maintenence of collections of processed data in MongoDB with the Mongoid ODM.

72,613 下載

tenacity 0.6.0

Tenacity provides a database client independent way of specifying simple relationships ...

72,463 下載

mongoid_token 4.0.0

Mongoid token is a gem for creating random, unique tokens for mongoid documents. Highly...

72,280 下載

rallytastic 1.4.9

longer description of your gem

71,215 下載

mongoid-app_settings 1.3.0

Mongoid::AppSettings allows you to store settings in MongoDB, and access them easily

71,147 下載

russian_phone 0.8.0

Russian Phone Numbers for Mongoid

70,189 下載

mebla 1.1.14

An elasticsearch wrapper for mongoid odm based on slingshot. Makes integration between ...

70,138 下載

hekenga 1.1.0

Sophisticated migration framework for mongoid, with the ability to parallelise via Acti...

69,653 下載

mail_spy 0.1.1

Mailspy allows for quick and easy creation, sending and tracking of email campaigns

69,463 下載

concen 0.2.9

A Rails Engine to control and monitor Rails application from a web interface. It includ...

68,514 下載

libgss 0.11.0

network library for Groovenauts GSS

68,056 下載

actionable 0.1.5

Better jobs. Good jobs.

67,820 下載

mongoid_i18n 0.5.1

This gem aims to be a transparent way to deal with localizable fields. Basically ...

66,498 下載

mongoid_silo 1.0.0

MongoidSilo gives a simple way to create static representations of models

66,400 下載

mix-rails 0.26.3

MixRails is a CMS and system based on Ruby on Rails

65,704 下載

wherever-positions 0.5.1

Allow Store of positions by multiple keys with teh option to mark specific points in ti...

64,643 下載

ants 0.3.14

Collection of concerns and helpers for Rails + Mongoid + Character web development.

64,255 下載

mongoid_taggable_with_context 1.1.4

Add multiple tag fields on Mongoid documents with aggregation capability.

63,720 下載

editorial_logic 1.4.5

An engine for enabling managed content, including articles, blogs, FAQs and glossaries.

63,431 下載

meta_manager 0.3.0

Aimbulance CMS

63,138 下載

gatoroid 0.2.17

Gatoroid is a way to store analytics using the poweful features of MongoDB for scalability

63,107 下載

euston-projections 1.0.9

Default projection classes for Euston.

62,803 下載

euston-projections 1.0.9

Default projection classes for Euston.

62,803 下載

mongoid-likeable 6.1.0

Add likes to your Mongoid documents

62,593 下載

clone_kit 0.6.1

Supports rules-based cloning, Mongoid, and distributed operations

62,466 下載

vidibus-resource 0.4.0

Allows creation of proxy objects of remote resources on distributed applications.

62,194 下載

c2 0.1.13

C2 aspires to be a simple, drop in, Admin Portal + CMS for apps based on Rails 3 + Mong...

60,600 下載

activeadmin-mongoid-localize 1.0.1

Easily edit mongoid localized fields in ActiveAdmin (all locales on one page)

60,008 下載

總下載次數 37,491,281

這個版本 27,050



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 1.3.6
