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Dependencias inversas para mongoid La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mongoid

egregious 0.2.13

Egregious is a rails based exception handling gem for well defined http exception handl...

103.113 Descargas

active_model_serializers_cancancan 0.5.0

CanCanCan integration with Active Model Serializers

103.021 Descargas

libis-workflow-mongoid 2.1.4

Class implementations that use Mongoid storage for the LIBIS Workflow framework.

102.277 Descargas

regressor 0.6.2

Regressor generates regression specs based on ActiveRecord models. Currently relations,...

102.276 Descargas

carte-server 1.0.11

something like dictionary, wiki, or information card

102.154 Descargas

whoops 0.5.5

A Rails engine which receives logs and provides an interface for them

100.916 Descargas

mongoid-kms 0.2.41

Need to encrypt your datas? Use AWS's KMS for data encryption.

98.959 Descargas

mongoid_money_field 7.3.1

Use RubyMoney with mongoid

97.678 Descargas

maestrano-rails 1.0.4

Maestrano is the next generation marketplace for SME applications. See https://maestran...

96.787 Descargas

mongoid-denormalize 0.4.0

Helper module for denormalizing relations attributes in Mongoid models

92.838 Descargas

acts_as_caesar 0.1.3

Acts As Caesar is a voting system - allowing up/down voting of objects.

90.835 Descargas

locomotivecms 4.1.1

Locomotive is designed to save your time and help you focus on what matters: front-end ...

89.951 Descargas

mongoid-minitest 1.2.0

MiniTest matchers for Mongoid

89.852 Descargas

ack_rocket_cms_mongoid 0.9.2

AckRocketCMS - RocketCMS fork - Mongoid metapackage

89.686 Descargas

mongoid_enumerable 0.4.4

MongoId Enumerable allows to have enumerable fields in MongoId Documents

89.601 Descargas

mongoid_enumerable 0.4.4

MongoId Enumerable allows to have enumerable fields in MongoId Documents

89.601 Descargas

hekenga 2.0.0

Sophisticated migration framework for mongoid, with the ability to parallelise via Acti...

88.575 Descargas

odania 0.2.0

Odania Base Helper

88.479 Descargas

voteable_mongoid 0.7.6

Renamed to voteable_mongo to support both Mongoid and MongoMapper.

87.579 Descargas

mongoid_denormalize 1.0.0

Helper module for denormalizing association attributes in Mongoid models.

87.394 Descargas

mongoid_rateable 0.4.1

Provides fields and methods for the rating manipulation on Mongoid documents.

86.262 Descargas

mongoid-ancestry 0.4.2

Organise Mongoid model into a tree structure

85.581 Descargas

mongoid-app_settings 1.3.0

Mongoid::AppSettings allows you to store settings in MongoDB, and access them easily

85.558 Descargas

trackoid 0.4.0

Trackoid uses an embeddable approach to track analytics data using the poweful features...

85.475 Descargas


DRG, development tool for rapid building of in-house (Intranet, private cloud) applicat...

84.492 Descargas

mongoid-filterable 2.0.2

Easy way to add scopes to your models.

84.150 Descargas

enjoy_cms_mongoid 0.4.1

EnjoyCMS - Mongoid metapackage

83.736 Descargas

mongoid-elasticsearch 0.10.0

Simple and easy integration of mongoid with the new elasticsearch gem

82.662 Descargas

mongoid-data_table 1.3.3

Simple data preparation from Mongoid to the jQuery DataTables plugin

82.158 Descargas

cqm-models 4.2.0

This library contains auto generated Mongo (Mongoid) models that correspond to the QDM ...

80.862 Descargas

Total de descargas 40.995.274

Para esta versión 11.165

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 1.3.6
