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mongo 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mongo

mongo_rack 0.0.5

Rackable mongoDB based session management

24,724 下載

socializer-scraper 0.1.2

Various scrapers for the Socializer application.

24,669 下載

rom-mongo 0.2.0

MongoDB support for Ruby Object Mapper

24,590 下載

extraextra 1.0.0

Need to add a news feed to your application? EXTRA! EXTRA! is just the Gem for you! Thi...

24,556 下載

mongo-configure 2.0.0

A simple gem for configuring mongo databases.

24,021 下載

mongoid_to_csv 0.4.0

Simple Mongoid Model to_csv() class method that preserves scopes

23,986 下載

snap-ebs 0.0.25

Tested, service-aware and consistent AWS EC2 backups via EBS snapshots.

23,569 下載

cloudscale 0.0.9

A Monitoring Client for Cloud Infrastructure provided by

23,336 下載

mumukit-service 3.0.2

Little framework for building stateful mumuki services

22,597 下載

news_crawler 0.0.4

A flexible, modular web crawler

22,535 下載

volt-mongo 0.2.0

Mongo database drivers for volt

22,494 下載

riemann-mongodb 0.3.4

MongoDB clients to submits metrics to Riemann.

22,443 下載

mongar 0.0.12

Replicates data from ActiveRecord (or other Ruby data mapping class) to MongoDB

22,386 下載

mongo-import 0.6.0

A helper to restore snapshots created by mongoexport

22,273 下載

toughguy 0.3.0

Simple MongoDB ORM

22,171 下載

mongo_cache_store 0.3.0

A MongoDB ActiveSupport Cache

22,009 下載

herbert 0.0.7

Herbert makes development of JSON REST API servers ridiculously simple. It provides a s...

21,869 下載

schron 0.0.10

Repository implementation for entity persistence

21,786 下載

mongo-resque 1.20.0

Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing those j...

21,744 下載

io_shuten 0.1.1.dev1

IO::shuten – Use databases as IO handler like you would do with files and streams.

21,070 下載

mongo_populator 1.0.1

Mass populate MongoDB.

20,854 下載

omnifiles 0.4.1

File storage and URL shortener.

20,828 下載

mongo_record 0.5.1

Note: this gem is no longer offically supported by 10gen. For a list of MongoDB object ...

20,475 下載

dafiti-rabbit-hutch 0.1.12

Logger for rabbitMQ!

20,466 下載

rmodel 1.1.0

Rmodel is an ORM library, which tends to follow the SOLID principles.

20,435 下載

mongous 0.4.4

Yet another mongo wrapper library.

20,401 下載

mongo-fixture 0.1.0

Flexible fixtures for the MongoDB Gem inspired in Rails 2 fixtures

19,847 下載

kymera 0.1.7

Distributed Cucumber test runner

19,602 下載

rack-grid-serve 0.0.11

Rack::GridServe is a Rack middleware for serving files stored in MongoDB GridFS. It is ...

19,593 下載

asanban 0.0.6

Track Kanban metrics using Asana as a data source

19,593 下載

總下載次數 78,388,199

這個版本 131,337




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
