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mongo 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mongo

finexclub 0.5.5

Finexclub gem stores and retrieves Forex signals and screenshots. It is the heart of th...

46,706 下载

openbel-api 1.2.12

The OpenBEL API provides a RESTful API over HTTP to manage BEL knowledge.

46,561 下载

fish0 0.2.0

Plugin for read-only content websites with MongoDB storage. Works pe...

46,424 下载

newrelic_mongo 0.0.4

Community-contributed instrumentation for Mongo gem and Mongoid 2.x for NewRelic.

46,322 下载

mongo_adaptor 2.0.0

A simple mongo handler. Translates Structs into Mongo and back.

46,303 下载

mongo_db 0.1.12

Object Model & Ruby driver enhancements for MongoDB

46,075 下载

ghtorrent 0.11.1

A library and a collection of associated programs to mirror and pro...

45,203 下载

mingo 0.6.0

Mingo is a minimal document-object mapper for MongoDB.

45,018 下载

bunyan 0.5.1

Bunyan is a thin ruby wrapper around a MongoDB capped collection, created with high-per...

44,805 下载

wackamole 0.1.4

This is a companion sinatra app for the Rackamole framework which provides for recordin...

43,146 下载

mongoid_acts_as_tree 0.2.0

Port of the old, venerable ActsAsTree with a bit of a twist

42,171 下载

mongorilla 0.8.3

Small Object Document Mapper for Mongo. you can update atomic with condition

42,159 下载

mongo-rails-instrumentation 0.3.0

Records time spent in mongo and adds to request logs

42,082 下载

simple_metrics 0.4.6


42,061 下载

hq-log-monitor-server 0.9.0

HQ log monitor system, central component

40,628 下载

rdf-mongo 3.2.0

rdf-mongo is a storage adapter for integrating MongoDB and rdf.rb, a Ruby library for w...

40,241 下载

fail_fast 0.6.0

raises an error if the yaml contents of a config file does pass a test script.

39,759 下载

mongodb-graphite 1.1.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

38,736 下载

barnyard_harvester 0.0.13

Performs harvests on data sources and detects adds, changes and deletes.

38,521 下载

peace_love 0.2.3

A simple mixin layer for enhancing hashes retrieved from MongoDB. It eschews the normal...

38,142 下载

schnitzelpress 0.2.1

A lean, mean blogging machine for hackers and fools.

37,050 下载

humongous 2.0.1

Humongous: A Ruby way to browse and maintain mongo instance. Using HTML5.

36,928 下载

minidoc 3.0.0

Lightweight wrapper for MongoDB documents

36,856 下载

philae 0.6.1

Provide an health check API

36,655 下载

mongoid_misc 0.0.11

Extensions for Mongoid

36,567 下载

openid_mongodb_store 0.3.0

Like the ActiveRecord Store, but for Mongo.

36,169 下载

mongo_store 0.3.0

It's ActiveSupport::Cache::MongoStore -- a MongoDB-based provider for the standard Rail...

35,788 下载

bin 0.7.1

ActiveSupport MongoDB Cache store.

35,395 下载

sunspot_index_queue 1.1.4

This gem provides asynchronous indexing to Solr for the sunspot gem. It uses a pluggabl...

35,282 下载

mongobile 0.1.5

admin ui for mongodb based on jquery mobile

35,274 下载

下载总量 72,986,419

这个版本 825,473



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
