RubyGems Navigation menu

mocha 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mocha

sprout 0.7.246

Sprout is a modular set of tools that take the tedium and frustration out of creating a...

903,768 下載

adyen 2.4.0

Package to simplify including the Adyen payments services into a Ruby on Rails applicat...

856,133 下載

checkr-official 1.8.0

Checkr - Background check platform for the New World of Work. See https://docs.checkr.c...

850,883 下載

tolk 5.0.1

Tolk is a web interface for doing i18n translations packaged as an engine for Rails app...

845,598 下載

omniauth-microsoft_graph 2.0.1

omniauth provider for new Microsoft Graph API

826,473 下載

merit 4.0.3

Manage badges, points and rankings (reputation) in your Rails app.

812,657 下載

gollum 6.0.0

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend.

809,243 下載

papertrail 0.11.2

Command-line client for Papertrail hosted log management service. Tails and searches ap...

806,345 下載

salesforcebulk 4.0.4

This gem is a simple interface to the Salesforce Bulk API providing full support for in...

795,080 下載

shackles 1.4.2

Allows multiple environments in database.yml, and dynamically switching them.

792,710 下載

miasma-azure 0.1.4

Smoggy Azure API

771,961 下載

valid_attribute 2.0.0

Minimalist validation matcher

767,975 下載

rspec-page-regression 0.4.2

Rspec-page-regression provides a mechanism for headless regression testing of web page ...

767,828 下載

parse-ruby-client 0.3.0

A simple Ruby client for the REST API

756,351 下載

fixtury 0.4.1

Treat fixtures like factories and factories like fixtures

745,938 下載

wolverine 0.3.5

Wolverine provides a simple way to run server-side redis scripts from a rails app

736,427 下載

orderly 0.1.1

orderly: an rspec assertion for request specs to assert that one piece of content appea...

735,329 下載

adobe_connect 1.0.12

An API wrapper for interacting with Adobe Connect services.

731,556 下載

populator 1.0.0

Mass populate an Active Record database.

731,313 下載

globalize3 0.3.1

Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord 3 model/data translation.

726,702 下載

foursquare2 2.0.2

Gives access to all endpoints in version 2 of foursquare's API with syntax that will be...

719,525 下載

ruby-supervisor 0.0.2

uses XMLRPC supervisord API to communciate with supervisord

715,098 下載

rubigen 1.5.8

RubiGen - Ruby Generator Framework

711,486 下載

dynflow 1.9.0

Ruby workflow/orchestration engine

708,919 下載

danger-slather 0.0.6

Danger plugin to Slather code coverage framework

707,978 下載

clickhouse 0.1.10

A Ruby database driver for ClickHouse (also Clickhouse CLI and web GUI included)

701,086 下載

invoker 2.0.0

Something small for process management

698,086 下載

scale_down 0.8.1

A Sinatra based server for quickly scaling and serving images. Nothing more.

693,460 下載

albino 1.3.3

Ruby wrapper for pygmentize.

689,995 下載

actionmailer_inline_css 1.6.0

Module for ActionMailer to improve the rendering of HTML emails by using the 'premailer...

684,774 下載

總下載次數 63,711,372

這個版本 125,584


MIT, BSD-2-Clause

Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.1
