RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para mocha La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mocha

simpleconfig 2.0.1

SimpleConfig is a plugin designed to make application-wide configuration settings (e.g....

1.267.740 Descargas

omniauth-slack 2.3.0

OmniAuth strategy for Slack

1.264.084 Descargas

app_profiler 0.2.0

Collect performance profiles for your Rails application.

1.259.739 Descargas

zonebie 0.6.1

Runs your tests in a random timezone

1.236.578 Descargas

sfn 3.1.8

SparkleFormation CLI

1.235.378 Descargas

nifty-generators 0.4.6

A collection of useful Rails generator scripts for scaffolding, layout files, authentic...

1.235.215 Descargas

i18n-recursive-lookup 0.0.5

Provides a backend to the i18n gem to allow a definition to contain embedded references...

1.223.590 Descargas

payjp 0.0.15

PAY.JP makes it way easier and less expensive to accept payments.

1.182.186 Descargas

amazon-ec2 0.9.17

A Ruby library for accessing the Amazon Web Services EC2, ELB, RDS, Cloudwatch, and Aut...

1.175.545 Descargas

miasma-aws 0.3.30

Smoggy AWS API

1.172.517 Descargas

pokitdok-ruby 0.9.2

Gem for easy access to the PokitDok Platform APIs.

1.134.795 Descargas

paperclip-meta 3.1.0

Add width, height and size methods to paperclip images

1.127.455 Descargas

deadlock_retry 1.2.0

Provides automatic deadlock retry and logging functionality for ActiveRecord and MySQL

1.125.413 Descargas

prawnto_2 0.3.1

Simple PDF generation using the prawn library.

1.124.924 Descargas

hirb-unicode-steakknife 0.0.9

Unicode support for hirb

1.122.397 Descargas

tracker_api 1.15.0

This gem allows you to easily use the Pivotal Tracker v5 API.

1.122.018 Descargas

mobile-fu 1.4.0

Want to automatically detect mobile devices that access your Rails application? Mobile ...

1.110.025 Descargas

tabs_on_rails 3.0.0

TabsOnRails is a simple Ruby on Rails plugin for creating tabs and navigation menu for ...

1.099.537 Descargas

tunemygc 1.0.71

Agent for the GC tuning webservice - optimal settings for thro...

1.092.632 Descargas

airbrake_handler 0.5.0

Chef handler for sending exceptions to Airbrake

1.030.553 Descargas

puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.5 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

1.025.434 Descargas

puppet-module-posix-dev-r2.4 1.1.1

A set of gems declaring Puppet module dependencies.

1.014.301 Descargas

taps 0.3.24

A simple database agnostic import/export app to transfer data to/from a remote database.

1.000.545 Descargas

braid 1.1.9

A simple tool for tracking vendor branches in git.

995.740 Descargas

mobvious 0.3.2

Rack middleware for choosing a version of an interface to render for given request

991.046 Descargas

gem_publisher 1.5.0

Automatically build, tag, and push a gem when its version has been updated.

948.400 Descargas

copy_carrierwave_file 1.3.0

Gems main responsibility is to provide service for copying Carrierwave files between re...

934.899 Descargas

stimulus_reflex 3.5.2

Build reactive applications with the Rails tooling you already know and love.

929.837 Descargas

memcached_store 2.3.4

Plugin-able Memcached adapters to add features (compression, safety)

917.402 Descargas

capistrano-s3_archive 1.0.3

Capistrano deployment from an archive on Amazon S3.

916.138 Descargas

Total de descargas 63.779.286

Para esta versión 146.695


MIT, BSD-2-Clause

Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.1
