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mixlib-shellout 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mixlib-shellout


Cloudscaling LDAP tools and helpers

8,956 下載

guard-rake-vagrant 0.0.3

guard-rake-vagrant runs rake tasks from Rakefile automatically but first provisioning a...

8,935 下載

kitchen-pulumi 0.2.0

Kitchen-Pulumi makes it easy to add integration tests to Pulumi-based infrastructure pr...

8,109 下載

packer-client 0.2.0

A Ruby client for HashiCorp's Packer tool.

8,057 下載

metarake 0.1.1

A Rake extension to build multiple separate projects, published outside the repository

7,390 下載

bitlbee_config 1.0.1

Create, read and modify configuration files for bitlbee

6,729 下載

zfs-tools 0.2.1

A few ZFS tools, mostly related to snapshotting, cleaning up and synching.

6,543 下載

wad 0.2.1

Since we're all following very strict standards with regards to how our gems are c...

6,458 下載

ober 0.0.3

Provides an alternative to the various remote applications that fulfill the same purpos...

6,392 下載

iib 0.0.2

Allows you to interact with IBM Integration Bus resources using either the REST API of ...

5,989 下載

zopfli-bin 0.2.0

A thin wrapper around the zopfli binary (included and built as an ext)

5,702 下載

omnitest 0.2.2

A polyglot test runner for sample code

5,469 下載

vbinfo 0.0.2

Print detailed information for virtualbox VMs managed by Vagrant

5,390 下載

loca 0.1.0

CLI for checking out GitHub Pull Requests locally

5,387 下載

test_kitchen_chef_minitest_matchers 2.0.2

Minitest-Matchers for testing Chef in Test Kitchen

5,329 下載

pgpool-pcpwrapper 0.1.4

A PGPool PCP interface wrapper.

5,190 下載

kitchen-static 0.10.0

Test Kitchen driver for static hosts

5,141 下載

tailf2norikra 0.0.2

Watch and tail files with specified time based patterns and push them to norikra

5,021 下載

superhosting 0.0.2

The tool for web hosting using docker containers.

4,743 下載

shellfold 0.0.3

Run shell commands and fold output gently.

4,669 下載

birr 0.1

Command-line tool to setup your work area quickly and easily. Automate the repetitive s...

4,567 下載

sensu-plugins-elasticsearch-boutetnico 1.1.1

This plugin provides native ElasticSearch instrumentation ...

4,470 下載

habitat-client 0.6.0

Habitat Depot Client Library

4,426 下載

aix-wpar 0.1.0

A wrapper for the AIX WPAR administration.

4,313 下載

sensu-plugins-system-services 0.0.3

Check for failing system services

4,295 下載

melai 0.0.1

Build your repositories with melai

4,132 下載

sensu-plugins-restic 0.2.1

Sensu restic plugins

3,874 下載


Omnibus helps you build self-installing, full-stack software builds. Sonian build.

3,739 下載

test-kitchen-rsync 3.0.0.pre.3

Test Kitchen is an integration tool for developing and testing infrastructure code and ...

3,728 下載

omnitest-psychic 0.0.9

Provides cross-project aliases for running tasks or similar code samples.

3,243 下載

總下載次數 66,988,471

這個版本 538,860




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
