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mixlib-shellout 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mixlib-shellout

sensu-plugins-beanstalk 3.0.0

Sensu plugins for beanstalk

27,207 下載

imagemaster3000 0.9.0

Downloading and slight modification of cloud images

26,427 下載

poise-profiler 1.1.0

A Chef cookbook for profiling performance in CI.

24,934 下載

nifty 0.2.12

A tool for uploading and registering cloud appliances in OpenNebula.

24,747 下載

knife-graph 0.0.4

Plugin that exports Chef installations structure in a graph

23,658 下載

tailf2kafka 0.1.9

Watch and tail files with specified time based patterns and push them to kafka

23,288 下載

pd-blender 0.6.1

Discover hosts, run tasks against them and control their execution order

22,663 下載

sensu-plugins-dcos 0.4.2

This plugin provides native dcos-metrics instrumentation ...

22,584 下載

itchy 0.2.8

Handler integrating nifty with vmcatcher (HEPIX)

19,733 下載

server_tools 0.2.0

A bunch of tools to provision (via Chef) and deploy packages to servers

17,662 下載

improved_jenkins_client 1.6.7

This is a simple and easy-to-use Jenkins Api client with features focused on automating...

17,635 下載

polytrix 0.1.4

A polyglot test runner for sample code

17,475 下載

psychic-runner 0.0.8

Provides cross-project aliases for running tasks or similar code samples.

16,592 下載

sugarjar 1.1.2

A git/github helper script

15,445 下載

tupperware 0.1.6

Package Test Kitchen instances

14,945 下載

cassandra-utils 0.4.1

Utility to manage Cassandra Monitoring and Management

14,944 下載

mau 0.1.5

Update applications on hosts from a git reference.

14,683 下載

zaws 0.1.1

the zaws gem provides command line tools for interfacing with AWS through the AWS CLI. ...

14,644 下載

bixby-provision 0.1.3

Bixby Provisioner

13,671 下載

daemon_runner 0.4.3

Small library to make writing long running services easy

13,606 下載

tfrb 0.1.6

Ruby DSL for terraform

13,309 下載

knife-community 0.2.0

The centralized location for sharing cookbooks is the Community Site, this is a process...

12,940 下載

malevich 0.0.4

Monitoring tool

12,519 下載

chef-metal-vsphere 0.2.0

Provisioner for creating vSphere VM instances in Chef Metal.

12,074 下載

rake-terraform-wrapper 0.3.3

A ruby wrapper around terraform.

11,933 下載

multisync 0.3.7

A DSL to organize sets of rsync tasks.

10,820 下載

knitter 0.2.2

Wraps the Javascript "yarn" command; query and install Javascript packages from Ruby. ...

9,898 下載

code_cache 0.2.3

Provides a simple api for checking out svn and git repositories. Caches checkouts local...

9,652 下載

onetable-terminator 0.1.3

Cleans OpenNebula's forgotten iptables rules.

9,326 下載

bixby-agent 0.3.2

Bixby Agent

9,277 下載

總下載次數 63,150,390

這個版本 68,786



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
