RubyGems Navigation menu

minitest-reporters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-reporters

caring_form 1.2.3

Build clean, robust and consistent forms for

2,671 下载

pvoutput-api 0.0.2

Gem to wrap API

2,641 下载

payment_schedule 1.0.1

Mild toolset for changing payment schedule algorithms to lovely Ruby code.

2,634 下载

encrypted_settings 0.0.2

Similar to Rails encrypted secrets but with multiple environments.

2,633 下载

aspire 0.1.0

This gem provides a Ruby interface for working withthe Talis Aspire API.

2,625 下载

dispatch_queue_rb 1.0.0

DispatchQueueRb is a pure ruby implementation of Grand Central Dispatch concurrency pri...

2,620 下载

yafoy-oembed 0.1.0

A Ruby gem listing OEmbed resources for Yafoy projects

2,594 下载

bond_calculator 0.0.2

Calculate the best bond

2,593 下载

jwt_nacl 0.1.0

A Ruby JSON Web Token implementation using NaCl Ed25519 digital signatures from the ...

2,593 下载

fbsimctl-extension 0.0.1

fbsimctl extension provides convenient metaclass to execute FBSimulatorControl shell co...

2,575 下载

zero_formatter 0.1.0

ZeroFormatter ruby port

2,565 下载

underworld 1.0.0

Underworld is a ruby on rails engine which provides a platform to easily build a web ap...

2,563 下载

texstylist 0.0.1

Produces a TeX document from a document+style specification pair. Use with the texstyle...

2,559 下载

nullifyable 0.1.0

Tiny simple gem to nullify blank attributes before saving with ActiveRecord.

2,554 下载

tiridu 0.0.1

Longer description of the gem

2,540 下载

loterias_caixa 0.1.0

Busca dados sobre as loterias da Caixa Federal

2,537 下载

globalize-rails5 5.1.0

Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.

2,537 下载

newznab-api 0.1.0

Api interface to Newznab servers. Allows for searches and returning specific informatio...

2,520 下载

pattern_matching 0.1.0

Allows for pattern matching behavior, ala many functional languages, using Ruby's case ...

2,499 下载

js_web_builder 0.5.1

A very simple piece of ruby code which is supposed to be used with rake and allows to c...

2,496 下载

gitodo 0.1.0

Track developer todo items in git (per branch)

2,485 下载

elasticfusion 1.0.0

elasticsearch-rails extensions

2,475 下载

pipeline-core 0.0.1

Pipeline core functionality

2,458 下载

reading 0.9.1

Parses a CSV reading log.

2,452 下载

filch 0.1.0

Creates search forms based on templates configurable in model. Using Ransack.

2,451 下载

git-hookshot 0.1.0

Share git hooks in Ruby projects among all the collaborators automatically, without the...

2,450 下载

activefunction 0.4.2

ActiveFunction is a collection of gems designed to be used with Function as a Service (...

2,439 下载

datarobot-ai_api 0.0.3

Provides an interface to the AI API

2,435 下载

pre-commit-cucumber_focus 1.0.0

Finds cucumber scenarios with with specific tags (e.g. @focus)

2,427 下载

poe-css 0.0.1

A better way to write item filters for Path of Exile.

2,425 下载

下载总量 36,138,974

这个版本 642,482




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
