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minitest-reporters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-reporters

jekyll-paginate_command 0.1.0

The paginate command for Jekyll generates pagination templates

2,972 下载

sovren-ruby 0.1.0

Sovren resume parsing API client for Meed Inc.

2,940 下载

zimbra-rest-api 0.1.9

Zimbra REST API Proxy to Zimbra SOAP API.

2,938 下载

carriots 0.0.2

carriots api wrapper

2,934 下载

ruby-llvm-next 11.0.1

Ruby-LLVM is a Ruby language binding to the LLVM compiler infrastructure library.

2,933 下载

lexervariables 0.1.0

Gem for loading variables (terms, geographies, authors, pages, oauths) to monitor

2,933 下载

solidruby 0.3.1

SolidRuby is a framework for programming OpenScad models in Ruby. \ Inspired by Cryst...

2,920 下载

tiny_ge 0.1.1

tiny_ge is a tiny queue system like SGE

2,918 下载

cloudinsight-sdk 0.0.1

Cloud Insight SDK. (

2,909 下载

activerecord-validations-helpers 0.1.0

Extends activerecord validations with helpers

2,888 下载

oneapm_ci 0.0.1

OneApm Cloud Insight SDK. (

2,882 下载

epok 0.1.1

GCBA EPOk wrapper to query indexed geographic objects.

2,848 下载

shoestrap-rails 0.0.1

Shoestrap is a small subset of Bootstrap 3 with only core grid system, typography and l...

2,830 下载

strict_geocoder 1.3.1

Add strict scopes for ActiveRecord to Geocoder

2,803 下载

globalize-r5 5.1.0

Rails I18n de-facto standard library for ActiveRecord model/data translation.

2,796 下载

book-value 0.0.7

An unofficial client for

2,789 下载

errand-boy 0.1.0

ErrandBoy is admin support tool. He will send slack invitation instead of you.

2,774 下载

markdown_cache 0.1.0

Markdown (GFM) view helper with redis-backed cache

2,773 下载

zimbra_wall 0.1

An authorization wall for Zimbra

2,763 下载

gimme_wikidata 0.4.2

GimmeWikidata is a Ruby gem that provides an interface to search, pull (and, in future,...

2,744 下载

arbutus 0.0.1

Ancestry tree for Hanami::Model

2,739 下载

spgateway_client 1.0.0

智付通(Spgateway)API 包裝

2,729 下载

gemwork 0.5.3

Gemwork is an abstract framework used by pdobb's Ruby Gems.

2,725 下载

keg 0.1.0

Keg use the data formatted by TOML which is language that easy to read. Keg read a TO...

2,721 下载

scribo 1.0.44

Scribo is designed to work with your models and renders your content inside customer de...

2,719 下载

rblade 1.1.1

RBlade is a simple, yet powerful templating engine for Ruby on Rails, inspired by Larav...

2,704 下载

fubby 0.0.0

Functional library for ruby

2,687 下载

azure-fix 0.7.0.pre3

Microsoft Azure Client Library for Ruby

2,685 下载

safe_and_sound 0.3.0

A compact DSL to let you declare sum data types and define safe functions on them.

2,685 下载

xbee 1.0.2

A Ruby API for sending/receiving API frames with Digi XBee RF Modules.

2,681 下载

下载总量 36,135,939

这个版本 641,388




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
