RubyGems Navigation menu

minitest-reporters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-reporters

frog 1.0.1

Frog helps you jump to the right Android dev docs from the command line

4,352 下载

jekyll-menu 0.1.1

Easy menu creation with YAML data

4,352 下载

wordwiki 0.2.3

Commandline based dictionary and wiki.

4,346 下载

regaliator 4.0.1

A Ruby client for consuming Regalii's APIs.

4,340 下载

db_to_file 1.2.4

Unload and upload database-tables to a file-system

4,325 下载

mprofi_api_client 0.1.2

MProfi API client library

4,325 下载

owemegod 0.0.1

A gem for easily distribute debts among friends

4,301 下载

rack-activerecord-reconnector 0.1.2

A Rack middleware for cleaning ActiveRecord connection when raised Exception.

4,228 下载

image_metadata_scraper 0.1.1

Simple image metadata scraper.

4,206 下载

jekyll-anticache-tag 0.1.2

add unixtime query string for assets every build.

4,193 下载

furious 0.1.0

Packages and uploads gems to Gemfury without all the baggage of the official gem.

4,177 下载

dwarves 0.1.1

DWARF parser (only the .debug_info section for now).

4,173 下载

rack-service_api_versioning 0.1.1

Rack middleware for API Version-specific Component Service redirection.

4,173 下载

rubytutor 0.1.1

A console tool to help new developers and developers new to Ruby.

4,173 下载

hayfork 1.1.0

Hayfork generates triggers to maintain a Haystack of all searchable fields that Postgre...

4,169 下载

tmapi 0.0.3

Wrapper for TaxiMaster HTTP API

4,140 下载

jekyll-jelly 0.0.2

Help Scout's Jekyll component library

4,133 下载

rails_react_stdio 0.1.0

Use react-stdio in your Ruby on Rails app.

4,110 下载

evoasm 0.1.0.pre2

An AIMGP (Automatic Induction of Machine code by Genetic Programming) engine

4,108 下载

minitest-reporters-fail 0.0.1

A Minitest Reporter that Shows Failure Detail and Emoji

4,103 下载

jsx 0.0.1

Transform JSX to JavaScript from Ruby. Includes a Tilt template for use with Sinatra (o...

4,101 下载

cloud-dyndns 0.0.1

update DNS entries on cloud providers (Route 53 et al) based on your current external I...

4,095 下载

http_monkey-cookie 0.0.1

Rack middleware to support magic cookie on clients

4,089 下载

ig_scrape 0.0.3

A gem to scrape instagram posts and comments.

4,074 下载

validus 0.0.1

Valdations for Plain Old Ruby Objects.

4,060 下载

dragons_dream 0.0.1

Japanese Railway Information

4,055 下载

libgen_api 0.1.2

An API that can be used to search Library Genesis. In the early stages.

4,049 下载

piko_mongo_store 1.0.3

Abstraction layer for storage

4,042 下载

deem-test-fixture 0.1.6

Deem test fixture

4,038 下载

typical 0.1.1

A Ruby library to describe the types of your data and ways to validate them.

4,031 下载

下载总量 36,128,730

这个版本 638,547




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
