RubyGems Navigation menu

minitest-reporters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-reporters

gly 0.0.4

Writer-friendly Gregorian notation format compiling to gabc

9,163 下载

ruby-ejs 1.2.0

Compile EJS (Embedded JavaScript) templates in Ruby.

9,151 下载

tune_script 0.0.4

Uses AppleScript scripts to drive iTunes. This is not a low level interface and will no...

9,096 下载

ssrf_proxy 0.0.4

SSRF Proxy is a multi-threaded HTTP proxy server designed to tunnel client HTTP traffic...

9,090 下载

food_truck 0.5.3

Ruby code, made to order

8,958 下载

alma_course_loader 0.9.4

This gem provides basic support for creating Alma course loader files.

8,933 下载

to_decimal 2.0.0

Provides a simple way to convert an integer expressed in bases 2 up to 36 to a decimal ...

8,929 下载

perfume 0.3.1

Bunch of tools and utilities for common day-to-day tasks while working with microservic...

8,903 下载

also_energy 0.1.2

A Ruby wrapper for the AlsoEnergy API

8,887 下载

holdem 1.1.1

A ruby module for creating and comparing Texas Holdem poker hands.

8,873 下载

spinjector 1.1.0

Inject script phases into your Xcode project

8,846 下载

kuebiko 0.2.0

Kuebiko generates URLs from ruby code.

8,831 下载


An interface to SMS Gateways. Currently supports only

8,806 下载

aucast 0.2.1

The CLI for uploading audio and video URL to Aucast iOS app, that support youtube-dl.

8,790 下载

smoothsort 1.0.2

This is an implementation of Djikstra's smoothsort sorting algorithm, usable on Enumera...

8,761 下载

spina-admin-conferences-fork 3.0.0

Keep track of conference attendees and presentations with this plugin.

8,734 下载

stargate 0.1.4

Stargate opens a portal to call remote methods via simple and reliable RPC protocols.

8,695 下载

comicvine 0.1.4

Interface to ComicVine API

8,662 下载

simple_form_nested_fields 0.3.0

Dynamically create and remove nested fields with simple_form

8,597 下载

sshkit-backend-docker 0.1.2

sshkit-backend-docker provides Docker connection and some utilities. You can execute co...

8,400 下载

ekylibre-plugin_system 0.7.0

Plugin system for Rails built around a Dependency Injection Container

8,367 下载

actress 0.0.3

|Provides Future and Actors. Actors are sharing Thread pool so |as many actors as you n...

8,365 下载

ar_checked_migration 4.0

Determine whether or not ActiveRecord migrations are considere...

8,357 下载

ghstars 0.1.6

Shows your public repositories total star count

8,302 下载

statful-client-aop 1.0.3

Statful Ruby Client for Aspect-Oriented Programming (

8,288 下载

koine-csv 0.2.2

Csv parsing classes

8,286 下载

range_component_attributes 1.1.2

Splits database ranges into lower and upper attributes in ActiveRecord

8,252 下载

human_numbers 0.1.0

human_numbers defines the method #to_english on the classes Float and Integer, as well ...

8,204 下载

criteria_operator 0.3.1

This gem provides classes to create arbitrary complex chains respectively trees of cond...

8,189 下载

graphql-active_record_batcher 0.3.2

Association Preloading and Query Batching for GraphQL

8,187 下载

下载总量 36,111,111

这个版本 631,048




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
