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minitest-reporters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-reporters

taipo 1.5.0

Taipo provides a simple way to check your variables are what you think they are. With a...

13,313 下载

web47command 0.1.0

Support the execution and recordation of running commands in a shell

13,164 下载

vman 0.2.0

Command line and interactive menu interfaces for managing versioned S3 objects

12,997 下载

rack-domain 1.0.0

This Rack middleware allows you to run specific apps when the request domain matche...

12,794 下载

activehistory 5.1.0

ActiveHistory tracks and logs changes to your ActiveRecord models and relationships for...

12,754 下载

fb_scrape 0.0.10

A gem to scrape facebook posts and comments

12,661 下载

what_now 0.0.6

Executable for finding todo comments on directories

12,653 下载

fried-schema 4.0.1

Struct definition with type safety

12,507 下载

piko_transaction 3.0.5

Abstraction layer for storage

12,470 下载

hungrytable-pjc 0.1.0

Gem to interact with OpenTable's REST API

12,434 下载

json_model 0.1.4

persist your model data to a .json file

12,406 下载

fried-test 1.0.0

Minitest helpers and testing philosophy

12,381 下载

turbo_boost-elements 0.1.0

Pre-built easy to use reactive TurboBoost elements for Rails/Hotwire apps.

12,345 下载

runner_helper 0.1.0

Rails runner generator which works with Systemd.

12,271 下载

action_director 0.0.3

Directs objects' behaviors

12,245 下载

mpx 0.5.0

A command multiplexer.

12,232 下载

trick_or_treat 0.2.3

Happy Hackoween

12,116 下载

elfproef_plan 0.0.6

validate dutch social security- and bank-account- numbers

12,027 下载

criteria_operator-ui_component 0.3.1

This gem provides ui components for Rails Applicaitons based on Cells, that can be used...

11,948 下载

stackadmin 1.0.0

A helper class for administering Stackato deployments

11,888 下载

biostars-api 0.1.4

Gem wrapping public API

11,805 下载

omniauth-centralid 1.3.0

This gem contains Central ID strategy for OmniAuth

11,777 下载

mdn_query 0.2.3

Query the MDN docs

11,702 下载

jekyll-jolt 0.23.0

Jekyll library for creating custom template blocks

11,674 下载

minitest-reporters-ordered_spec_reporter 1.2.2

Modified version of `Minitest::Reporters::SpecReporter` which prints test results in al...

11,621 下载

smtp_lw 0.0.5

This is the ruby client for SMTP Locaweb product.

11,598 下载

touch_erb 0.4.2

Create from a template file command.

11,536 下载

festivals_lab 0.0.4

Accesses festival data from the Edinburgh Festivals Innovation Lab API

11,521 下载

mediawiki-keiki 1.0.3

A client for the MediaWiki API

11,491 下载

odnoklassniki 0.0.2

Ruby wrapper for REST Odnoklassniki API calls. GET and POST calls.

11,475 下载

下载总量 36,106,338

这个版本 628,984




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
