RubyGems Navigation menu

minitest-reporters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-reporters

discuss 0.0.6

Messaging engine

19,072 下载

simple_dragonfly_preview 0.0.7

Adds an image preview to your forms

19,062 下载

dug 1.0.3

A simple, configurable gem to organize your GitHub notification emails in ways Gmail ca...

18,993 下载

middleman-gemoji 0.1.2

Github-flavored emoji plugin for Middleman.

18,987 下载

sonnet 0.2.0

Structured logging for Ruby applications

18,970 下载

jekyll-spark 0.6.0

A Jekyll library for building component-based UI

18,877 下载

martinet 0.2.0

Authorization component for warden

18,812 下载

texstyles 0.0.9

Hundreds of styles fueling's exporter to PDF. Use with the "exportstylist"...

18,647 下载

consular-iterm 1.0.4

Terminal Automation for ITerm via Consular

18,587 下载

active_data_frame 0.1.11

An active data frame helper

18,577 下载

luno 0.2.14

A client for using the Luno API in Ruby. Built from their api documentation. https://ww...

18,543 下载

patchboard 0.5.2

Ruby client for Patchboard APIs

18,495 下载

simple_jsonapi 1.1.0

A library for building JSONAPI documents in Ruby.

18,463 下载

virgil-jwt 1.0.2

Virgil JSON Web Token to make call to Virgil Services

18,293 下载

slow_down 1.0.0

A centralized Redis-based lock to help you wait on throttled resources

18,221 下载

opentsdb-ruby 0.0.8

A ruby client library for querying data by OpenTSDB HTTP API.

18,190 下载

atd 0.5.0

The assistant technical director of your website. It does the dirty work so you can see...

18,176 下载

sequelize-rails 1.0.0

This gem provides the railtie that allows Sequel to hook into Rails as an alternative o...

18,149 下载

google-amp-cache 0.2.0

A Ruby wrapper for Google AMP Cache API

18,072 下载

ruby-production-breakpoints 0.0.10

A framework for injecting USDT tracepoint handlers safely, into production code.

18,046 下载

warcards 0.0.7

An addictive game of War! to help slog through flash-card memorization

17,952 下载

calios-uia-extension 0.0.6

Calabash-ios UIA extension provides convenient metaclasses for UIAutomation commands us...

17,908 下载

gday 0.0.6

A gem developed as a learning experience.

17,874 下载

mongosteen 0.2.0

Mongosteen is a library that helps to easily add RESTful actions to mongoid models with...

17,868 下载

state_inspector 1.0.5

Introspection tool for reporting method calls and state change. Instance variables and...

17,860 下载

conditional_validation 1.0.0

ConditionalValidation simplifies adding validation flags and then querying state to det...

17,837 下载

self_msgproto 0.0.11

Bindings for Self's Flatbuffer messaging protocol

17,690 下载

itunes_parser 1.1.3

A fast and simple iTunes XML parser based on nokogiri-plist

17,635 下载

corindon 0.8.0

A collection of tools for Ruby

17,583 下载

easy_html_creator 1.3.2

Easy_html_creator is a gem that makes developing static HTML websites easy and joyful. ...

17,548 下载

下载总量 36,102,818

这个版本 627,403




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
