RubyGems Navigation menu

minitest-reporters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-reporters

mecha 0.7.3

Mecha is used by MLabs to bootstrap working apps with our defaults.

23,722 下载

mightystring 1.0.2

Array functionality in Strings as well as Matching, Indexing, Substitution, Deletion, a...

23,651 下载

british 0.4.2

Allows to use alternative words endings: -ise instead of -ize etc. Defines `is_an?` as ...

23,626 下载

corraios 0.0.10

Gem to calculate Correios' freight values for multiple items

23,607 下载

fronton 0.5.1

A command-line tool for build frontend apps in Ruby

23,513 下载

translatable_ar 4.2.0

Translations are saved in-column as a serialized hash or using HStore.

23,366 下载

importeer_plan 0.3.0

only purpose is provide some reusable defaults for processing my (.xls-, .csv-, .txt)files

23,245 下载

sinatra-asset-snack 0.1.6

Simple and effective asset compilation, supporting Coffeescript and SASS. A lean altern...

22,996 下载

staccato-rack 0.4.3

Rack middleware to send analytics to google using Staccato with the aim to be used for ...

22,889 下载

dragonfly_audio 1.1.0

Wraps common audio-related tasks into Dragonfly analysers and processors.

22,887 下载

activerecord-aurora-serverless-adapter 6.0.1

Amazon Aurora Serverless is an on-demand, auto-scaling configuration for Amazon Aurora ...

22,788 下载

paperclip-smart_data_uri_adapter 1.0.1

Smarter Paperclip::DataUriAdapter that guesses the file extension to use instead of jus...

22,636 下载

typed_uuid 4.2

Typed UUIDs 2 bytes are reserved in the UUID for the class enum

22,487 下载

cohort_analysis 1.0.3

Lets you do cohort analysis based on two strategies: "big", which discards characterist...

22,387 下载

active_tax 1.2.0

A Ruby gem for retrieving local sales tax rates from various government APIs. Currently...

22,362 下载

hstruct 0.7.0

Struct with the convenience of instantiating from a Hash

22,311 下载

bus-o-matic 0.0.7

A wrapper for the Pittsburgh Port Authority TrueTime Bus API

22,290 下载

inverter 0.5.1

Easy way to connect Rails templates content to CMS. HTML content is marked using specia...

22,152 下载

tps_reporter 0.5.0

A YAML-powered, simple command-line task report builder.

22,084 下载

couchbase_model_logging 0.0.7


22,039 下载

ldgr 0.2.2

A command-line tool for managing Ledger transactions.

22,030 下载

spina-admin-journal 1.0.0

Manage journal submissions and publications within SpinaCMS.

21,880 下载

spider_monkey 0.0.11

A gem to simplify generating image URLs for

21,825 下载

know_it_all 0.1.8

Minimalistic authorization focused on APIs

21,731 下载

object_inspector 0.6.3

Object Inspector takes Object#inspect to the next level. Specify any combination of ide...

21,552 下载

cigale 0.4.3

Jenkins job generator

21,356 下载

erv 0.3.5


21,282 下载

bubbles-rest-client 0.7.0

Retrofit, by Square, allows you to easily define annoations that will generate the nece...

21,268 下载

rachinations 0.0.9

This project provides a Ruby-based Diagram to enable game designers to design and also ...

21,223 下载

opening_act 0.1.11

A gem that auto generates all the files, folders and tests you'll need to start your Si...

21,221 下载

下载总量 36,096,771

这个版本 624,685




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
