RubyGems Navigation menu

minitest-reporters 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-reporters

pagoda-jekyll 0.0.11

Admin interface for Jekyll that makes you comfortable writing

31,598 下载

gem_logger 0.3.0

Allows classes/modules in gems to have logger class/instance methods with a pluggable L...

31,239 下载

absgit 0.3.0

This gem contains a program which allows one to manipulate files in a Git repository fr...

31,101 下载

envvy 1.0.10

Load environment variables from various sources within the Rails initialization process

30,968 下载

mem_model 0.10.0

MemModel persists Ruby objects using MagLev as a data storage engine. It's an ActiveMod...

30,768 下载

latexpdf 0.6.1

Latexpdf is a renderer for rails which compiles Tex files with ERB to a PDF using xelat...

30,575 下载

mr-sparkle 0.3.0

This gem contains a script to start a Unicorn-based server for your Rack application th...

30,447 下载


A JSON parser that enables streaming parsing and encoding of JSON

30,405 下载

graphos 0.3.7

This gems implements some graph algorithms and representations.

30,313 下载

get-your-rep 2.0.1

Renamed get_your_rep. Reversioned. Big changes to API and extensibility, documentation ...

30,140 下载

launchpad 0.3.0

This gem provides an interface to access novation's launchpad programmatically. LEDs ca...

30,073 下载

fogged 0.0.13

Fogged provides helpers to use Fog resources more easily within Rails

30,052 下载

conversation_forms 2.0.2

conversation_forms allows you to create a form that runs as a chat conversation for the...

30,011 下载

oxen_media 0.4.14

OxenMedia is a Gem in the Oxen* Family of Gem's

29,948 下载

hanko 0.2.3

Hanko add a asset fingerprint in query string of Rails asset url(image, javascript, sty...

29,836 下载

sequel-from_csv 0.3.1

Provides a simple way to seed and synchronize table data using CSV files

29,748 下载

cookie_store 0.2

A Ruby library to handle client-side HTTP cookies

29,723 下载

paddle_pay 0.3.0

A Ruby wrapper for the API

29,539 下载

swissmedic-diff 0.2.8

Compares two Excel Documents provided by Swissmedic and displays the salient differences

29,521 下载

ipod_db 0.2.13

Access iPod Shuffle 2nd gen from ruby

29,471 下载

pluck_map 2.0.0

A DSL for presenting ActiveRecord::Relations without instantiating ActiveRecord models

29,383 下载

forceps 0.6.7

Copy active record models from remote databases

28,998 下载

evt 0.4.0

A low-level Event Handler designed for Ruby 3 Scheduler for better performance

28,903 下载

condenser 1.4

Condenser is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...

28,820 下载

exiftoolr 0.2.0

Multiget ExifTool wrapper for ruby

28,574 下载

virgil-crypto 3.6.4

virgil-crypto provides: Asymmetric Key Generation, Encryption...

28,568 下载

coque 0.8.0

Like plumbum...for Ruby...with native Ruby streaming interop.

28,405 下载

rack-cargo 1.0.0

Enables creating batch requests to Rack apps. Requests can reference each other. Makes ...

28,233 下载

dot_env 0.0.3

dot_env manages your environment settings using a simple text file

27,922 下载

shift_planning 1.0.2

Shift Planning API gem

27,726 下载

下载总量 36,090,600

这个版本 622,176




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 1.9.3
