Dépendances inversées pour minitest-rails Latest version of the following gems require minitest-rails
drape 1.0.0.beta1
Drape adds an object-oriented layer of presentation logic to your Rails apps.
24 811 Téléchargements
delayed_job_active_record_threaded 0.0.5
Allows going through delayed job queues using threads instead of processes
24 589 Téléchargements
seed_tray 0.6.0
A small, convention-based library for implementing view specific javascript.
23 803 Téléchargements
syto 0.3.0
Simple filters for RubyOnRails
23 702 Téléchargements
time_sentence 1.0.1
Translates Seconds into Human Readable Sentences
23 528 Téléchargements
supercharged 2.2.0
MVC solution for charges in rails
22 159 Téléchargements
devise_ott 0.0.8
Adds one time token authentication to devise
21 733 Téléchargements
spina-admin-conferences 2.2.0
Keep track of conference attendees and presentations with this plugin.
21 234 Téléchargements
cardboard_cms 0.3.1
Rails CMS made simple
19 807 Téléchargements
facebook_canvas 0.6.1
Rails engine for Facebook's canvas integration.
16 919 Téléchargements
random_unique_id 1.1.0
Generate random but unique ids for your active record records.
16 784 Téléchargements
controlist 0.3.2
Use Case: RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), security for API Server and any scenario th...
16 318 Téléchargements
validation_auditor 1.0.0
Log validation errors to the database for later inspection.
16 193 Téléchargements
dalli-ui 0.1.2
Dalli UI is a mountable engine for Rails apps that displays information about your dall...
15 466 Téléchargements
rails_codebook 0.1.1
Codebook solution we all use in our projects
15 435 Téléchargements
active-record-ex 0.2.2
A library to make ActiveRecord::Relations even more awesome
15 175 Téléchargements
strong_presenter 0.2.2
strong_presenter adds a layer of presentation logic to your application, and gives you ...
15 040 Téléchargements
mongoid-direct-s3-upload 0.1.7
Rails and Mongoid simplest helpers possible to directly upload file to S3 without hitti...
14 582 Téléchargements
ruby_ci 0.2.26
Ruby wrapper for creating RubyCI integrations
13 739 Téléchargements
web47command 0.1.0
Support the execution and recordation of running commands in a shell
13 630 Téléchargements
elfproef_plan 0.0.6
validate dutch social security- and bank-account- numbers
12 315 Téléchargements
thincloud-test-rails 1.0.0
Opinionated testing framework dependencies and configuration for Rails applications.
11 233 Téléchargements
crusade_rails 0.8.2
Add push notification support via crusade to your rails rails application
10 418 Téléchargements
toqua 0.1.4
Collection of small utilities for controllers in rails applications
9 914 Téléchargements
bigmouth 0.0.2
WORK IN PROGRESS: You should not use unless you are far too kind to contribute for the ...
6 810 Téléchargements
fast_ci 1.1.1
Ruby wrapper for creating FastCI integrations
6 686 Téléchargements
searchtastic 0.6.0
Enables ActiveRecord Model Searching
6 558 Téléchargements
active_action 0.1.1
A tidy DSL to express batch actions
6 021 Téléchargements
two_factor_auth 0.2.0
TwoFactorAuth makes it easy to set up two-factor authentication for your users, whether...
5 585 Téléchargements
geoblacklight_admin 0.7.1
Administrative UI for GeoBlacklight. Built on Kithe.
5 199 Téléchargements