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mimemagic 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mimemagic


rails column bind url with oss

6,749 下載

httmultipartymagic 0.3.18

HTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.

6,635 下載

modgen 0.0.2

Modgen allow discover and use modgen's API

6,540 下載

cortex 0.1.3

An API-driven multitenant identity, custom content distribution/management and reportin...

6,375 下載

mime_typed_public_exceptions 0.3.0

PublicExceptions for multiple mime types

6,108 下載

haravan_theme 0.0.26

Command line tool to help with developing Haravan themes. Provides simple commands to d...

6,059 下載


Occams is a powerful Rails 6.1-7.1+ CMS Engine

5,496 下載

frankly-ruby 1.0.2

Frankly Ruby SDK

5,378 下載

liveeditor_cli 0.0.2

Command line interface for building, previewing, and syncing your Live Editor theme.

5,373 下載

irails 0.2.0

A Rails kernel for Jupyter frontends (e.g. notebook). Try it at

5,083 下載

prelands_rails 0.1.5

Код, занимающийся валидацией и публикацией прелендов V4.

5,015 下載

raps 0.1.1

Rack server to delivery rails public directory.

4,994 下載

vt_api 0.1.3

VirusTotal API bindings for Ruby

4,725 下載

dire 0.1.5

Pathname wrapper for safe and convenient filesystem traversal.

4,529 下載

dxw-zendesk_apps_support 4.29.6

Support to help you develop Zendesk Apps.

4,408 下載

odf 0.2.1

Programmatically create ODT, ODS and ODP files in Ruby.

4,358 下載

kcyEtsTest 2.2.19


4,121 下載

PixelForce_ETS 0.0.2

Self-customized CMS Engine

4,085 下載

yassh 0.0.2

Publish a folder instantly to

3,893 下載

aspose_cad_cloud 24.5

This SDK allows to work with Aspose.CAD Cloud REST API in your Ruby a...

3,883 下載

groupdocs_assembly_cloud 21.1.0

This SDK allows you to work with GroupDocs.Assembly Cloud REST APIs i...

3,862 下載

base64_attachment 0.0.1

This gem allows you to define `file`-attributes on an active record class which can rec...

3,818 下載

dev_shopify_theme 0.0.21

*Insecure* command line tool to help with developing Shopify themes. Provides simple co...

3,751 下載

font_awesome_file_icons 0.1.1

Return font awesome icon based on filename.

3,730 下載

mkisilenko-test 0.1.0


3,597 下載

httmultiparty_sf 0.3.14

HTTMultiParty is a thin wrapper around HTTParty to provide multipart uploads.

3,590 下載

neocitizen 0.0.1

Toolkit for creating sites on

3,517 下載

dg-axlsx 2.1.0

xlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable s...

3,324 下載

ncmb_rb_wrapper 0.1.0

API wrapper for NIFTY Cloud mobile backend

3,250 下載

freight_kit 0.1.7

Freight carrier API and website abstraction library for transportation management syste...

3,150 下載

總下載次數 168,194,128

這個版本 12,410,267



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
