RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para middleman-core La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren middleman-core

middleman-gist 0.1.1

A Github Gist helper for the Middleman static site generator.

4.877 Descargas

middleman-leanpub 0.1.0

Use the LeanPub API to download data for a book, then store it in data files for acce...

4.755 Descargas

middleman-markdown-yaml-front-matter 0.0.2

Wrap YAML frontmatter in Markdown files in a Markdown-style fenced code blocks.

4.697 Descargas

middleman-rss_items 0.0.2

This plugin adds methods to create RSS feed like html

4.588 Descargas

middleman-x_helpers 0.0.2

Helpers for Middleman

4.396 Descargas

ever_mid 0.0.2

preprocess evernote-exported htmls, make them recognized by middleman builder

4.382 Descargas

middleman-aws-deploy 0.5.0

Adds S3 deploy and Cloudfront invalidation support to the Middleman build toolchain

4.377 Descargas

middleman-hatenastar 0.2.0

Embedding hatenastar into the your middleman website.

4.361 Descargas

middleman-versions 1.0.1

Compile different middleman versions with custom data injected in each one

4.327 Descargas

middleman-faqml 0.3.0

Adds FAQML support to Middleman

4.294 Descargas

middleman-images 0.2.0

Resize and optimize your images on the fly with Middleman. Just run middleman build ...

4.276 Descargas

middleman-scrub 0.1.1

Scrub the created files by middleman

4.181 Descargas

middleman-importmap 0.6.0

An extension to port importmap assets to Middleman

4.073 Descargas

middleman-settings 0.0.1

This Gem will let you use settings from config files everywhere

3.961 Descargas

middleman-apps 0.2.0

Middleman extension to run dynamic pages using Sinatra

3.862 Descargas

ontologist 0.0.1

Semantic Web/RDF toolkit for Middleman

3.808 Descargas

ontologist 0.0.1

Semantic Web/RDF toolkit for Middleman

3.808 Descargas

middleman-clowncar 0.0.1

Adds ClownCar to Middleman

3.792 Descargas

middleman-knitr 0.0.1

Add Knitr to Middleman

3.733 Descargas

middleman-weinre 0.1.0

Auto starts Weinre remote debugger and prvides a simple insert helper to inject the scr...

3.704 Descargas

middleman-scss-lint 0.1.0

ScssLint integration with Middleman

3.699 Descargas

middleman-hotjar 0.0.2

Makes it easy to add Hotjar analytics tracking code to your Middleman site. Keeps your ...

3.699 Descargas

middleman-emoji 0.1.0

Emoji extension for Middleman

3.692 Descargas

middleman-tocable 0.0.1

TOC generator for Middleman.

3.657 Descargas

middleman-foundation-navigation 0.0.1

Middleman extension for foundation-navigation

3.641 Descargas

middleman-packager 0.1.0

Configurable post-build archiver for Middleman builds.

3.632 Descargas

middleman-webpack 0.0.1

middleman-webpack creates a ws to trigger client reload

3.534 Descargas

middleman-code_snippets 0.0.1

Insert code snippets from local or remote git repos into your Middleman app

3.430 Descargas

middleman-cloudflare_purge 0.0.5

Cloudflare cache purging for Middleman

3.407 Descargas

middleman-language_tool 0.0.1

Run spell checks as a build phase in middleman

3.403 Descargas

Total de descargas 4.821.939

Para esta versión 47.057



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
