RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para middleman-core La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren middleman-core

middleman-torrent 0.0.4

A Middleman extension to bundle your site as a torrent.

10.263 Descargas

middleman-dragonfly_thumbnailer 1.1.0

Middleman Dragonfly Thumbnailer is a Middleman extension that lets you easily create th...

10.158 Descargas

middleman-deploy-with-notifications 0.0.32

Deploy a middleman-built site over rsync or via git with airbrake + hipchat notifications.

9.825 Descargas

middleman-appcache 1.2.0

Generate appcache manifest for your Middleman Project

9.761 Descargas

middleman-rackspace 0.3.1

Deploy your Middleman site to Rackspace Cloud Files

9.173 Descargas

middleman-blog_page 0.0.3

Blog page engine for Middleman

8.779 Descargas

google-drive 0.1.6b

Google Drive for Aldo Group

8.667 Descargas

middleman-ngannotate 1.0.2

Transform AngularJS code in the asset pipeline to be safe for minification.

8.658 Descargas

middleman-build-info 0.0.3

Incremental build information for Middleman

8.639 Descargas

middleman-svg-fallback 0.2.0

Generate nice JPEG and PNG files from any SVG files.

8.577 Descargas

middleman-jspm 1.0.2

Use JSPM in Middleman

8.431 Descargas

middleman-paginator 0.0.7

A simple way to paginate any collection in middleman

8.422 Descargas

middleman-plaintext 0.8.2

Generate raw un-rendered versions of selected resources. Shout out to John Gruber for t...

8.202 Descargas

middleman-rouge 0.0.1

Rouge syntax highlighting for Middleman

8.025 Descargas

middleman3-sassc 0.0.1

This gem lets you use SassC in Middleman 3. Note that Compass is not available.

7.995 Descargas

textile_manual 0.0.4

Provides the textile reference manual to other sites

7.816 Descargas

middleman-geo_pattern 0.0.4

Integrate geo_pattern-gem into middleman

7.749 Descargas

middleman-org 0.3.0

Use in buffer settings as front matter.

7.587 Descargas

middleman-cells 0.0.3

Cells support for Middleman.

7.333 Descargas

middleman-img_loading_attribute 0.3.0

Specify "loading" attribute value to generated HTML from middleman

7.276 Descargas

middleman-gnuplot 0.2.2

This middleman extension provides helper functions, which allow ...

7.246 Descargas

middleman-imgix 1.0.3

Use imgix images in your Middleman site.

7.090 Descargas

middleman-transpath 0.0.4

This helper allows you to translate your current path to the same path in another local...

7.039 Descargas

middleman-iepab 0.1.1

middleman-iepab is an extension for the Middleman static site generator that invokes ex...

6.876 Descargas

middleman-async-image 0.0.4

Finally a gem to load automaticly your images asynchronously, like Medium.

6.855 Descargas

middleman-medium 0.0.4

Fetches medium posts from feed to build a preview in your website

6.599 Descargas

middleman-listpages 0.0.2

Adds listpages to Middleman

6.578 Descargas

middleman-google-tag-manager 1.0.0

Google Tag Manager for Middleman static sites

6.516 Descargas

middleman-tapirgo 0.0.2

Sync middleman content to TapirGO

6.420 Descargas

middleman-postdated 0.5.1

Reads the filename of your site resources which don't have dates set, and sets them acc...

6.331 Descargas

Total de descargas 4.812.979

Para esta versión 44.680



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.5.0
