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Dependencias inversas para methadone La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren methadone

howami 0.0.2

CLI tool to show a summary of Fitbit health statistics.

6.550 Descargas

mbtc 0.0.3

CLI para Mercado Bitcoin

6.536 Descargas

command-line-favs 0.1.0

Commands are stored as a Command Name to Command map within your ~/.favs file and can b...

6.534 Descargas

puma-hunter 0.0.2

Like the puma_worker_killer, but designed to run separately from a cron job.

6.486 Descargas

bubblefish 0.1.2

Bubblefish uses various language APIs to take a single word as a starting point to give...

6.476 Descargas

to_hipchat 1.0.0

Command-line app that sends data to a hipchat chatroom

6.472 Descargas

git_ocd 0.1.2

GitOCD watches a git repo for changes and automatically commits/pushes those changes

6.376 Descargas

wp_conversion 0.1.1

Convert a Wordpress XML backup into markdown files suitable for a jekyll site

6.248 Descargas

twido 0.0.1

A command line tool that can update and manage todo list on twitter.

6.059 Descargas

ocawari 0.9.7

If there is one thing that has plagued me over the years, it's that I constantly have m...

5.987 Descargas

sc_tmux 0.0.2

Make a remote tmux play well with ssh-agent

5.913 Descargas

vt 0.8.1

Vault Tree Command Line Application

5.880 Descargas

lsi 1.0.1

Interactively operate on a list.

5.811 Descargas

slack_mb_roamer 0.1.2

to-do: Write a longer description or delete this line.

5.772 Descargas

vcloud-cli-utils 0.9.0

Various simple CLI utilities to communicate with the vCloud Director API. Uses vcloud-c...

5.443 Descargas

textractor-cli 0.1.2

Command line tool for the Textractor service.

5.413 Descargas

vcloud_ipsec-vpn 0.1.1

A command line tool to allow use of a yaml configuration file to configure VPNs on a gi...

5.314 Descargas

wine-pdf 0.1.1

A simple utility to open PDF files in Wine.

5.187 Descargas

snapgit 0.6.5

The most powerful way to share your commits

5.168 Descargas

kmkr 0.0.2

kmkr is a CLI to create files prefixed by date (e.g. It supports crea...

5.082 Descargas

c0f 0.0.1

c0f - CAN of Fingers. CAN Bus fingerprinting to passively determine make/model of vehicle

5.064 Descargas

lmt 0.1.4

A literate tangler written in Ruby for use with MarkDown.

4.846 Descargas

asterisk-mailcmd 0.0.1

Asterisk voicemail emails enhancement

4.845 Descargas

simplemailer 1.0.0

A simple mailing script so I don't have to install a bunch of packages I don't need.

4.583 Descargas

gitloop 0.0.3

easily merge and rebase flat git history

4.483 Descargas

infra-ctrl 0.1.6

Simple way to ls / ssh into vpns

4.414 Descargas

cleanup_recordings 0.1.1

Given an amount of space you want free this will remove recordings until we hit that va...

4.409 Descargas

distributer 3.0.0

Allows files to be distributed from a directory via HTTP.

4.406 Descargas

gitme 0.0.1

Command line tool for fetching and configuring git directories

4.285 Descargas

google_scraper 0.0.1

Scrapes first 10 pages of google with given query

4.090 Descargas

Total de descargas 1.596.386

Para esta versión 295.041



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
