RubyGems Navigation menu

memoist 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 memoist

codepipeline 0.3.4

CodePipeline DSL Tool to Quickly Create CodePipeline Pipeline

16,727 下載

the_schema_is 0.0.5

Annotating ActiveRecord models with lists of columns defined through DSL and checked wi...

16,395 下載

bimble 1.0.3

Keep your bundles up to date

16,298 下載

ocs 0.0.7

Ocs is an objective CloudStack API client.

16,273 下載

terraspace_vcs_gitlab 0.1.0

Terraspace VCS GitLab support

14,954 下載

peatio-nexbit 2.2.2

Peatio-nexbit gem make nexbit easy to integrate in peatio platform

14,939 下載

peatio-coinpaymentnew 1.0.3

Coinpayment Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::...

14,894 下載

terraspace_vcs_github 0.1.1

Terraspace VCS GitHub support

13,352 下載

peatio-decredcoin 3.0.1

Decredcoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::A...

13,288 下載

phone_sites 0.1.2

This gem is for scraping data and organize workflow without storing something in da...

11,278 下載

kubes_aws 0.3.2

Kubes AWS Helpers Library

11,138 下載

peatio-goldcash 2.6.8

Peatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube

10,814 下載

uber_presenter 0.1.2

UberPresenter is a gem to add presenters to Ruby on Rails projects

10,786 下載

peatio-coinpayment 2.6.13

Coinpayment Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::...

10,225 下載


Peatio Thought Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube

9,798 下載

kokkai 0.2.0 client library, written in Ruby

9,737 下載

peatio-dogecoin 0.2.56

Dogecoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abs...

9,645 下載

peatio-ndc 2.0.1

Peatio Blockchain Plugin for easy integration of NDC Wallet Blockchain platform.

9,074 下載

ecs-solo 0.1.4

Deploy Docker image from ECS service to current instance

8,964 下載

jets-rails 1.1.0

Jets Rails Support

8,896 下載

ladybug 0.1.3

Debug Ruby code using Chrome Devtools

8,481 下載

taiwanese_news_parser 0.0.3


8,020 下載

peatio-ndex 0.2.2

Peatio Blockchain Plugin for nPro

7,775 下載

ringc 0.1.2

Ringc executes commands with rich stats.

7,728 下載

heroku-config 0.4.0

Heroku Config AWS Access Key Rotator

7,227 下載

tvdb2 0.1.3

Ruby wrapper for TVDB api version 2 (

7,202 下載

tripspark_api 0.1.1

A reverse-engineered Ruby client for the publicly-visible/accessible API that TripSpark...

7,192 下載

xdrgen 0.1.1

An XDR code generator

6,854 下載

rack_attack_admin 0.1.2

Lets you see the current state of all throttles and bans. Delete existing keys/bans. Ma...

6,368 下載

peatio-pepscoin 0.0.4

Pepscoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abs...

6,195 下載

總下載次數 261,444,293

這個版本 182,238,132



Ruby 版本需求: >= 1.9.2
