RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour mechanize Latest version of the following gems require mechanize

seotracker 0.3.0

track sites position in google or yandex by keyword

21 721 Téléchargements

sbiclient 0.1.5

SBI securities client library for ruby.

21 702 Téléchargements

cucumber-wordpress 1.3.1

Environment setup and step definitions for testing WordPress with Cucumber

21 616 Téléchargements

gls_agent 0.4.3

Log into GLS site, create and save new parcel sticker for Germany.

21 608 Téléchargements

ba 0.0.10

BankBalance Gem is used to check your bank account balance

21 596 Téléchargements

gemqs 0.1.5

Command line interface to search for gems on

21 576 Téléchargements

gemqs 0.1.5

Command line interface to search for gems on

21 576 Téléchargements

gemqs 0.1.5

Command line interface to search for gems on

21 576 Téléchargements

storexplore 0.5.0

A declarative scrapping DSL that lets one define directory like apis to an online store

21 557 Téléchargements

RedcapAPI 0.0.6

This gem is still under active development. Please contact me directly with any questi...

21 340 Téléchargements

mixi-community 0.0.7

Access to Mixi community.

21 279 Téléchargements

atlantispro 0.2.1

A simple command line interface to work with multiple application distribution services...

21 082 Téléchargements

banker 0.0.7

A collection of strategies to access online bank accounts to obtain balance and transac...

21 027 Téléchargements

botch 0.1.5

Botch is a DSL for quickly creating web crawlers. Inspired by Sinatra.

20 857 Téléchargements

niconize 0.0.8

wrapper of mechanize for nicovideo

20 818 Téléchargements

TestFlightExporter 0.2.2

A simple tool that helps you migrating your TestFlight binaries to your local environment

20 698 Téléchargements

webistrano_cli 0.0.8

Allow to deploy projects from webistrano via console

20 644 Téléchargements

address_standardization 0.4.1

A tiny Ruby library to quickly standardize a postal address

20 563 Téléchargements

gengiscan 0.60.1

gengiscan is a CMS fingerprinting tool using Generator meta tag and Server HTTP respons...

20 539 Téléchargements

chomchom 0.5.2

chomchom extracts article's title, published_date, author, and fulltext. It also detect...

20 413 Téléchargements

netaxept 0.2.0

This gem simplifies the comunication with the netaxept service significantly. Right now...

20 364 Téléchargements

justiz 0.2.1

Extracts contact data.

20 293 Téléchargements

windward 0.0.8

Windward is a parser for\n You can retrieve informations like weather, t...

20 196 Téléchargements

adp-downloader 0.4.0

This app incrementally downloads ADP pay statements (pay stubs) from MyADP

20 195 Téléchargements

autonzb 0.5.5

Ruby tool to automatically download x264 HD nzb movies files from &

20 091 Téléchargements


Interface for working with Request Tracker (RT) tickets inspired by ActiveRecord.

20 042 Téléchargements

pba_crawler 0.0.11

Crawl websites

20 041 Téléchargements

atcoder_greedy 0.6.0

By using this plugin, You can create atcoder-contest templates.

20 005 Téléchargements

points-scraper 0.1.4

getting mileages/points by web scraping shopping sites: T-SITE, ANA and rakuten.

19 996 Téléchargements

komic-cli 0.1.7


19 974 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 31 737 503

Pour cette version 138 336



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.6.0
