RubyGems Navigation menu

mail 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mail

qmin 0.0.11

Simple framwork to coordinate background tasks

29,303 下載

amazon_ses 1.0.2

wrapper for the simple email service api

29,121 下載

notifu 1.6.5

Provides Nagios-like notification configuration & schedules

28,788 下載

luggage 1.2.3

Easily interact with IMAP servers

28,652 下載

stevedore-uploader 1.0.15


28,593 下載

patriot-workflow-scheduler 0.8.8

a workflow scheduler enabling fine-grained dependency management

28,502 下載

dorothy2 2.0.0

A malware/botnet analysis framework written in Ruby.

27,966 下載

cv 0.0.7

The goal of this gem is to build a resume or portfolio based on a YAML file and running...

27,600 下載

rumble 0.8.0

Sends newsletters to recipients

27,486 下載

multi_mail 0.1.7

Easily switch between email APIs

27,454 下載

gitlab-mirror-pull 1.1.2

Checks for gitlab repositories with a set remote and run git fetch on these. Features: ...

27,388 下載


a HTTP server

27,055 下載

csv_validator 0.0.3

A CSV validator for Rails 3. See homepage for details:

26,840 下載

jstd-runner 0.0.9

Runs a JsTestDriver server + browsers with some built-in monitoring

26,619 下載

blogpost 0.1.7

Ruby Blog Post (hatena,athera,269g,cocolog,fc2,goo,jugem,livedoor,maruta,seesaa,webry,w...

26,576 下載

tzispa_utils 0.3.6

Utility classes used by Tzispa framework

26,569 下載

broadcast 0.3.0

A broadcasting microframework making publishing of messages to different services easy

26,219 下載

rack-exception_notifier 0.3.5

Rack middleware to send email when exceptions are raised

26,160 下載

ydim 1.1.5

ywesee distributed invoice manager. A Ruby gem

26,055 下載

telesms 0.2.1

Library for sending and receiving SMS messages with emails.

25,630 下載

as2 0.12.0

Simple AS2 server and client implementation. Follows the AS2 implementation from http:/...

25,570 下載

rubycron 1.0.0

Write clean cronjobs in Ruby, and get reporting for free!

25,474 下載

hey-you 1.4.2

Send multichannel notifications with one command. Сonvenient storage of notifications t...

24,735 下載

sensu-plugins-monit 1.0.0

Sensu monit plugins

24,440 下載

sendgrid_actionmailer_adapter 0.3.2

A ActionMailer adapter using SendGrid Web API v3.

23,964 下載

command_line_email 0.0.7

Send email from the Linux or Mac command line

23,548 下載

anadea-mailsocio-qa 0.1.7

Mailsocio Quality Assurance

23,433 下載

cyclid 0.4.0

The Cyclid CI system

23,307 下載

gorgeous 0.2.0

Convert between different data formats; prettify JSON, HTML and XML

23,302 下載

rack_warden 0.0.10

A warden/sinatra mini-app providing authentication and user management for any rack-bas...

23,226 下載

總下載次數 516,535,438

這個版本 70,993,397



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
