RubyGems Navigation menu

log4r 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 log4r

qarioz-confluencer 0.6.0

ActiveRecord-like classes to access Confluence through XMLRPC.

5,738 下載

xlsx2latex 0.1.0.rc2

Take an Excel-file (xlsx) and convert the content into a LaTeX-tabular. By default eac...

5,715 下載

ul-wukong 4.1.1

Treat your dataset like a: * stream of lines when it's efficient to process by l...

5,662 下載

xmodem 0.1.1

A simple gem for XMODEM client and server application. Forked from modem_protocols and ...

5,658 下載

bjf 0.7.0

SEOmoz Background Job Framework

5,648 下載

log4r-logstash 0.1.1

Ship json encoded log4r messages to logstash.

5,479 下載

Bayeux 0.1.0

The core parser for the Bayeux document markup language, optimised for long-form docume...

5,441 下載

ConstraintSolver 0.1

A solver for constraint satisfaction and constrained optimisation problems.

5,310 下載

data_miner-ruby19 0.5.4

Mine remote data into your ActiveRecord models. You can also perform associations and c...

5,187 下載

Sipper 1.1.3

Sipper - World's most productive SIP platform

5,084 下載

firewall-agent 0.1.0

Firewall Agent is a utility to simplify firewall configuration for clouds and clusters,...

5,053 下載

gallus 0.1.2

Easy to use and insanely powerfull logger for Ruby applications.

5,019 下載

exologger 0.1.2

A simple wrapper around Log4r logger to ensure that all service logs follow a standar...

4,991 下載

super-test 1.0.9

SuperTest is a Test Domain Specific and Super Language.

4,967 下載

git_workflow 0.0.5

Extends git with some scripts that support a tie up with Pivotal Tracker

4,944 下載

reddit-api 0.1.2

A interface to the reddit API. A clean and simple aproach. Get prying!

4,901 下載

wakoopa-trample 0.1.0

A fork of giraffesoft-trample with added functionality for sleeping between requests

4,805 下載

hodor 1.0.2

Hodor is a ruby-based framework, API and Command Line Interface that automates and simp...

4,797 下載

powcloud-firewall-agent 0.1.1

Firewall Agent is a utility to simplify firewall configuration for clouds and clusters,...

4,631 下載

notes_mailer 0.0.1

NotesMailer allows you to send emails using your local IBM Lotus Notes installation. It...

4,621 下載

boxcar 0.10005.1

Command line script framework extracted from Vagrant

4,540 下載

ribit 0.3.0

Ribit is a Wiki implemented in Ruby. Main goal was to to stick to XHTML Basic so that c...

4,514 下載

powcloud-insurance 0.1.0


4,512 下載

moysklad_integration 0.1.2

Gem for easier integration ruby and

4,497 下載

rcommons 0.8.0

Common libraries for Ruby similar to Apache Commons.

4,478 下載

sws 0.4

SWS is a sophisticated web development library in spirit of Apple WebObjects

4,464 下載

universe-common 0.1.1

gem install universe-common

4,424 下載

salgo 1.0.1

A collection of algorithms and datastructure for ruby written in ruby.

4,376 下載

rene-adhearsion 0.8.6

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

4,344 下載

vagrant-fixed-ssh 1.0.7

Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

4,328 下載

總下載次數 26,238,140

這個版本 25,157,310


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