RubyGems Navigation menu

log4r 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 log4r

sinatra-log 0.1.2

A logger for Sinatra applications

9,404 下載

cockatoo 0.1

Cockatoo is a simple chat server coded with EventMachine and using the Long Polling tec...

9,377 下載

notreallylipsum 0.0.3

generates pesudo lipsum

9,148 下載

grsync 0.1.0

A tool to synchronize local and remote git repositories' code

9,075 下載

perfume 0.3.1

Bunch of tools and utilities for common day-to-day tasks while working with microservic...

8,792 下載

dvd-converter 0.2.1

dvd-converter is a set of helper scripts to consistantly back up DVD's use good com...

8,697 下載

torkify 0.0.3

Easily create callbacks for automated testing with tork

8,288 下載

cloudwatchtographite 0.1.1

Pull statistics from Amazon CloudWatch into Graphite

8,110 下載

vanilla_selenium_wrapper 0.1.2

this gem contains the selenium wrapper

8,062 下載

runtex 0.2.3

runTeX - Translate (La)TeX-files as often as needed. The further development for this g...

7,935 下載

sevenscale-adhearsion 0.8.0

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

7,884 下載

sclust 2.1.0

A k-mean and LDA text clustering library for ruby.

7,875 下載

web_methods 0.0.3

Some classes for encapsulating interaction with an instance of webMethods Integration S...

7,822 下載

refuge 0.1.4

A tool for creating and managing sandboxed D Progamming Language projects, including au...

7,700 下載

oats_agent 0.0.3

With this gem OATS can start in agent mode in the background so that it can communicate...

7,405 下載

rrproxy 0.0.2

rrproxy is a very simple routing reverse proxy written in Ruby.

7,288 下載

vagrant-haipa 0.3.1

Enables Vagrant to manage Hyper-V with Haipa

7,209 下載

enhancerepo 0.5.0

enhancerepo adds additional metadata to repommd repositories and serves as the testbed ...

6,911 下載

qrda_generator 1.0.1

A library for generating QRDA Cat 1.

6,890 下載


LicenseAuto is a library for Open Source License collection job. Supported Language Pac...

6,842 下載

ad-framework 0.1.0

A framework for defining an ActiveDirectory schema in ruby.

6,612 下載

vagrant-qubes 0.0.5

A plugin for vagrant to provision machines within a qubes environment

6,536 下載

test4requirements 0.1.0

Assign requirements to TestCases and Assertions to get an overview on them.

6,449 下載

davidrichards-tegu_labs 0.0.3

Collaboration tool for analytical work: project notes, log, repositories, roles, and pa...

6,371 下載

log4r-sequel 0.0.3

Log4r::Outputter that writes to a Sequel database

6,271 下載

linkedin2cv 0.0.2

Turn your LinkedIn Profile into a professional resume in many formats (PDF / HTML5 / La...

6,100 下載

eric-adhearsion 0.8.0

Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework

6,082 下載

shadowbq-threatinator 0.5.2

This is a fork of the cikl/threatinator project

6,017 下載

opennebula_nagios_probe 1.0.1

This gem is collection of nagios probes (one, econe, occi, rocci) for OpenNebula cloud ...

5,941 下載

boomerang-trample 0.1.1

A simple command line tool for stress testing remote resources.

5,839 下載

總下載次數 26,230,238

這個版本 25,149,449


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