Dépendances inversées pour log4r Latest version of the following gems require log4r
qarioz-confluencer 0.6.0
ActiveRecord-like classes to access Confluence through XMLRPC.
5 853 Téléchargements
xlsx2latex 0.1.0.rc2
Take an Excel-file (xlsx) and convert the content into a LaTeX-tabular. By default eac...
5 780 Téléchargements
ul-wukong 4.1.1
Treat your dataset like a: * stream of lines when it's efficient to process by l...
5 749 Téléchargements
xmodem 0.1.1
A simple gem for XMODEM client and server application. Forked from modem_protocols and ...
5 745 Téléchargements
bjf 0.7.0
SEOmoz Background Job Framework
5 722 Téléchargements
log4r-logstash 0.1.1
Ship json encoded log4r messages to logstash.
5 575 Téléchargements
Bayeux 0.1.0
The core parser for the Bayeux document markup language, optimised for long-form docume...
5 516 Téléchargements
ConstraintSolver 0.1
A solver for constraint satisfaction and constrained optimisation problems.
5 372 Téléchargements
data_miner-ruby19 0.5.4
Mine remote data into your ActiveRecord models. You can also perform associations and c...
5 253 Téléchargements
Sipper 1.1.3
Sipper - World's most productive SIP platform
5 137 Téléchargements
gallus 0.1.2
Easy to use and insanely powerfull logger for Ruby applications.
5 110 Téléchargements
firewall-agent 0.1.0
Firewall Agent is a utility to simplify firewall configuration for clouds and clusters,...
5 110 Téléchargements
exologger 0.1.2
A simple wrapper around Log4r logger to ensure that all service logs follow a standar...
5 081 Téléchargements
super-test 1.0.9
SuperTest is a Test Domain Specific and Super Language.
5 016 Téléchargements
git_workflow 0.0.5
Extends git with some scripts that support a tie up with Pivotal Tracker
4 997 Téléchargements
reddit-api 0.1.2
A interface to the reddit API. A clean and simple aproach. Get prying!
4 993 Téléchargements
wakoopa-trample 0.1.0
A fork of giraffesoft-trample with added functionality for sleeping between requests
4 926 Téléchargements
hodor 1.0.2
Hodor is a ruby-based framework, API and Command Line Interface that automates and simp...
4 841 Téléchargements
powcloud-firewall-agent 0.1.1
Firewall Agent is a utility to simplify firewall configuration for clouds and clusters,...
4 684 Téléchargements
notes_mailer 0.0.1
NotesMailer allows you to send emails using your local IBM Lotus Notes installation. It...
4 676 Téléchargements
moysklad_integration 0.1.2
Gem for easier integration ruby and moysklad.ru
4 617 Téléchargements
boxcar 0.10005.1
Command line script framework extracted from Vagrant
4 607 Téléchargements
powcloud-insurance 0.1.0
4 572 Téléchargements
ribit 0.3.0
Ribit is a Wiki implemented in Ruby. Main goal was to to stick to XHTML Basic so that c...
4 564 Téléchargements
rcommons 0.8.0
Common libraries for Ruby similar to Apache Commons.
4 530 Téléchargements
sws 0.4
SWS is a sophisticated web development library in spirit of Apple WebObjects
4 517 Téléchargements
universe-common 0.1.1
gem install universe-common
4 480 Téléchargements
salgo 1.0.1
A collection of algorithms and datastructure for ruby written in ruby.
4 427 Téléchargements
rene-adhearsion 0.8.6
Adhearsion is an open-source telephony development framework
4 401 Téléchargements
vagrant-fixed-ssh 1.0.7
Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
4 383 Téléchargements