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Dépendances inversées pour log4r Latest version of the following gems require log4r

six-arma-builder 0.1.8

Your summary here

28 085 Téléchargements

log 1.1.0

logging data to file, console etc. Data can be pushed using info\warning\error\debug-le...

27 581 Téléchargements

auxesis-flapjack 0.4.10

Flapjack is highly scalable and distributed monitoring system. It understands the Nagio...

25 533 Téléchargements

vagrant-vcenter 0.3.3

Enables Vagrant to manage machines with VMware vCenter®.

24 969 Téléchargements

ruby-saferpay 0.0.9

The SCAI interface is used when the merchant wishes to keep the acquirer on her/his own...

24 939 Téléchargements

thundercat 0.0.9

Easy way to deploy and monitor Rack applications as .rap archives

24 061 Téléchargements

rzwaveway 0.0.13

A Ruby API to use the Razberry ZWave ZWay interface

23 630 Téléchargements

kelredd-mailer 0.1.5

This gem is just a simple mailer interface.

23 428 Téléchargements



22 224 Téléchargements

check-taskr 1.1.4

check taskr for sdo

21 687 Téléchargements

gtfs-reader 0.2.11

Renamed to gtfs_reader. See

21 599 Téléchargements

vagrant-zones 0.1.97

Vagrant provider plugin to support zones

21 098 Téléchargements

dribbled 0.9.2

Provides a wrapper around DRBD to gather information and perform monitoring checks

21 045 Téléchargements

prspec 0.2.6

Allows for simple parallel execution of rspec tests.

20 947 Téléchargements

aws-carb 0.0.9

a tool for provisioning ec2 instances with a templated cloudinit configuration, with th...

20 861 Téléchargements

typed.rb 0.0.20

Gradual type checker for Ruby

20 800 Téléchargements


Useful Cucumber and ruby test utilities,like loggers, rake tasks, etc...

20 558 Téléchargements

vagrant-simple_cloud 1.0.10

Enables Vagrant to manage SimpleCloud droplets. Based on

20 534 Téléchargements

rake4latex 0.1.5

Rake4LaTeX contains rake-tasks to translate (La)TeX-files as often as needed. Necessar...

20 476 Téléchargements

dafiti-rabbit-hutch 0.1.12

Logger for rabbitMQ!

20 447 Téléchargements

exception_helper 0.1.2

Common mixins for handling exceptions

19 969 Téléchargements

ean3 0.0.8

19 870 Téléchargements

bc3 0.2.0

Build and analyse Beyond Compare (BC3) Snapshot-Files. This gem allows flexible definit...

19 687 Téléchargements

vagrant-vmck 0.4.2

Enables Vagrant to use Vmck jobs.

19 597 Téléchargements

vagrant-dns-server 0.4.3

A vagrant plugin to automanage dns registration on local machine

19 586 Téléchargements

threatinator 0.2.1

Threatinator is a library and tool for parsing threat data feeds.

19 288 Téléchargements

francois-piston 2.0.6

Piston makes it easy to merge vendor branches into your own repository, without worryin...

19 075 Téléchargements

salted-rails 0.0.9

Provision rails using salt to vagrant or capistrano controlled systems

18 757 Téléchargements

wakame 0.5.1

A distributed service framework on top of Cloud environments.

18 616 Téléchargements

easy_log4r 0.1.0

Quick, simple, easy logging with log4r that can easily be toggled

18 501 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 26 604 912

Pour cette version 25 523 088

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: None
