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lita 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 lita

lita-sonos-commander 1.1.2

Control your Sonos with Lita chatbot commands

8,367 下載

lita-rundeck 0.0.3

Lita handler for interacting with Rundeck

8,327 下載

lita-work-faster 0.1.1

Work Faster

8,323 下載

lita-spotify 0.1.2

Spotify for Lita

8,320 下載

lita-gitlab-ci-hipchat 1.1.1

Receive and display nicely web hooks from GitLab CI in HipChat.

8,273 下載

lita-onewheel-garfield 0.1.1

Tosses links to Garfield comics into chat.

8,236 下載

lita-rotp 0.1.2

Lita handler for TOTP & HOTP token generation; uses Ruby One-Time Password (ROTP) l...

8,190 下載

lita-reddit-image-preview 1.0.4

A Lita handler to show the media image from one reddit post.

8,054 下載

lita-sensu 0.2.0

Lita plugin to interact with sensu

7,977 下載

lita-revolution 0.0.9

Handler for that helps your slack friends develop class consciousness.

7,956 下載

lita-onewheel-filmplot 0.1.1

Film plot retrieval bot.

7,919 下載

lita-crazycaps 0.0.3

A Lita handler that randomizes the capitalization of a phrase.

7,847 下載

lita-todo 0.0.1

TO DO list management for Lita chat bot

7,786 下載

lita-ldap 0.1.2

Lita LDAP operations like search user and group.

7,753 下載

lita-info_table 0.0.1

Lita handler for providing basic infos

7,741 下載

lita-hangout 0.2.0

Generates Google+ Hangout URL for GoogleApps

7,733 下載

lita-monit 0.0.1

Lita handler for accepting and forwarding monit alerts

7,708 下載

lita-words-counter 0.2.1

count user words

7,691 下載

lita-fyjc 0.1.2

Randomly sort a Fuck Yeah Jacques Chirac image.

7,680 下載

lita-gitcamp 0.0.1

Gitcamp handler is your magic helper which closes your basecamp todos for you.

7,648 下載

lita-twilio 0.1.0

Twilio integration for Lita

7,645 下載

lita-api-ai 0.1.8

Api-AI based bot ai

7,638 下載

lita-randpaul 0.1.2

a lita script that fixes rand paul

7,580 下載

lita-starbucks 0.1.2

This is a gem which suggests a trip to Starbucks and pokes a little fun at starbucks

7,575 下載

lita-genius 0.1.2

A Lita handler that returns requested songs from (Rap) Genius.

7,513 下載

lita-chm 0.0.3

Shows a short history lesson of the day from the Computer History Museum.

7,495 下載

lita-onewheel-beer-wayfinder 0.0.3

Lita interface to Wafinder's Barlistings.

7,469 下載

lita-snoo 0.1.2

A Lita handler for reddit that can detect imgur (or custom) URLs and find their origina...

7,442 下載

lita-trisul 0.2.4

Lita chatops to Trisul Network Analytics

7,439 下載

lita-vkontakte 1.1.0

VKontakte adapter for the Lita chat bot.

7,419 下載

總下載次數 2,140,699

這個版本 39,302



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
