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lita 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 lita

lita-tipbot 0.2.0

Tip people with dogecoins!

9,872 下載

lita-answers 0.0.3

A Lita handler for a question answering (QA) system. Allows you to use CRUD operations ...

9,844 下載

lita-your-weather 0.0.5

lita-your-weather provides the ability to ask for the current weather conditions or for...

9,819 下載

lita-jobs 0.0.3

Run jobs in lita

9,770 下載

lita-cricket 0.0.4

Provides live cricket scores directly in Lita

9,739 下載

lita-ai 0.1.3

Makes lita respond to unhandled messages using Cleverbot

9,732 下載

lita-meme 0.2.3

Auto-generates memes

9,704 下載

lita-onewheel-youtube 0.3.0

An implementation of Google Custom Search Engine for searching Youtube in chat.

9,581 下載

lita-ping-me 0.0.4

periodically checks status of website and alerts chat room if response error

9,528 下載

lita-down 1.0.1

Lita plugin that reports if a website is down or not.

9,507 下載

lita-codedeploy-status 0.2.2

Show AWS CodeDeploy status

9,448 下載

lita-whats-brad-eating 1.0.1

show brad's food

9,349 下載

lita-tell_on_wake 0.1.4

A plugin to enqueue messages for someone

9,219 下載

lita-claydavis 0.2.0

Everyone loves Clay Davis

9,219 下載

lita-logger 1.0.1

A Lita handler to log all chat messages to a file

9,201 下載

lita-aws-cloudfront 0.1.0

Lita handler to manage cloud front

9,170 下載

lita-greet 0.2.0

Make your bot more welcoming and greeting

9,166 下載

lita-rimshot 0.1.2

Lita plugin for generating a rimshot

9,009 下載

lita-quote 0.1.1

Quote handler for Lita

8,986 下載

lita-howlongtobeat 0.4.0

A Lita handler that returns the average number of hours required to beat a game from ht...

8,921 下載

lita-digitalocean 2.0.0

A Lita handler for managing DigitalOcean services.

8,915 下載

lita-ey-info 0.0.4

A Lita handler to consult EY info.

8,789 下載

lita-custom-meme 1.0.0

A Lita handler that lets the user specify custom meme images

8,750 下載

lita-onewheel-beer-properpint 0.1.2

Lita interface to Bailey's Taproom listings.

8,669 下載

lita-notify 0.0.3

Notification handler for Lita

8,518 下載

lita-ringcentral 0.1.0

A RingCentral SMS adapter for Lita.

8,476 下載

lita-y 0.0.3

A Lita handler to respond to "Lita y?".

8,460 下載

lita-line 1.0.0

A line adapter for lita bot

8,423 下載

lita-ironio 0.2.2.pre.beta

IronIO handler for Lita Bot

8,417 下載

lita-catme 0.3.0

A lita handler that fetch random cat images

8,363 下載

總下載次數 2,140,539

這個版本 39,271



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
