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lita 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 lita

lita-chilean-bip 1.1.2

A Lita handler for checking the BIP card balance

11,399 下載

lita-whoami 0.1.4

Allows you to tell Lita who people are.

11,392 下載

lita-poll 1.0.2

Plugin that enables polling functionality for a lita bot.

11,361 下載

lita-alias 0.0.1

A Lita Chatbot plugin to alias commands.

11,337 下載

lita-ship-to-pastebin 0.1.6

Expose helper method to pastebin-ify any input text

11,325 下載

lita-claims 0.0.3

A plugin to claim 'properties'. Usecases include disabling deployments for envi...

11,280 下載

lita-nagios 0.1.2

Nagios interaction with Lita

11,179 下載

lita-teamwork 0.4.1

for teamwork on chat. alpha version

11,040 下載

lita-against-humanity 0.2.0

Plays a random pair of cards from Cards Against Humanity

11,015 下載

lita-tweet 0.4.2

Tweeting for Lita

10,899 下載

lita-hal-9000 0.2.1

Lita handler to make your bot more like HAL-9000

10,897 下載

lita-dpextend 0.1.6

Override methods to using best of Lita

10,846 下載

lita-onewheel-wunderground 1.0.1

Lita interface to reveal today's record high temperature.

10,778 下載

lita-tox 0.5.0

Tox adapter for the Lita chat bot.

10,680 下載

lita-psilot 0.1.3

Psilot scoreboard

10,679 下載

lita-ext 1.1.0

A collection of extensions to the Lita chat bot.

10,639 下載

lita-vader 0.2.0

Lita handler to tell you who a user's father is

10,620 下載

lita-trello 0.0.6

Manage your Trello board from Lita

10,572 下載

lita-ambush 1.0.3

Allow lita to ambush your users

10,430 下載

lita-replace 0.0.2

A Lita handler that fixes your stupid typos with VIM-like find and replace.

10,403 下載

lita-shipit 0.2.1

A lita handler that provides easy access to the shipit squirrel and its kin

10,396 下載

lita-enhance 0.9.3

A Lita handler that enhances text by replacing opaque machine identifiers with that mac...

10,392 下載

moiscot-problem 0.0.4

Lita handler delivering problem word

10,219 下載

lita-mtg 0.2.1

Lita plugin that returns a magic card!

10,167 下載

lita-pugbomb 1.0.2

Lita handler for pug bombs

10,150 下載

lita-onewheel-beer-baileys 3.8.8

Lita interface to Bailey's Taproom listings.

10,101 下載

lita-queue 0.4.0

Lita plugin to manage channel specific queue

10,041 下載

lita-reddit 0.0.8

A Reddit handler for Lita.

10,029 下載

lita-bor 0.0.1

Lita handler for

10,025 下載

lita-apod 0.6.0

Pulls a picture using the NASA APOD (astronomy picture of the day) API endpoint

9,914 下載

總下載次數 2,140,469

這個版本 39,254



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
