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lita 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 lita

lita-hcadmin 0.5.3

HipChat admin plugin for Lita

13,594 下載

lita-latex 0.0.3

A Lita handler for rendering LaTeX

13,568 下載

lita-onewheel-rolz 0.0.6

Lita interface to

13,527 下載

lita-gerrit 0.1.2

Gerrit API client and hook events handler

13,418 下載

lita-onewheel-snowcrash 1.0.4

Markov generation from a Snow Crash corpus.

13,417 下載

lita-pls 0.0.3

A Lita handler to respond to "Lita pls" correctly.

13,401 下載

lita-good-morning 0.1.5

Add a description

13,333 下載

lita-location-decision 0.0.3

A Lita handler for making decisions about places to go

13,130 下載

lita-resistance 1.0.0

Plays a game of resistance by assigning roles to users you mention in chat.

13,032 下載

lita-literally-lita 0.1.0

A Lita handler to make Lita act like Lita.

12,976 下載

lita-standups 1.0.5

Lita standups

12,865 下載

lita-onewheel-duckduckgo 0.1.0

Lita handler for Duck Duck Go's answers engine.

12,663 下載

lita-cwb 0.1.5

Lita handler with Open Data from Central Weather Bureau

12,642 下載

lita-fortune 0.0.8

A Lita handler for fortune cookies.

12,556 下載

lita-onewheel-beer-loyal-legion 0.1.3

Lita interface to Loyal Legion's listings.

12,498 下載

lita-wit 0.1.4

A Lita handler for Wit.

12,289 下載

lita-pulp 0.1.4

Lita bot for pulp server

11,925 下載

lita-statuspage 0.3.0

A plugin for Lita

11,844 下載

lita-wtf 1.3.0

A user-controlled dictionary plugin for Lita

11,692 下載

lita-lunch 0.2.0

A lita handler to help you pick where to go for lunch

11,682 下載

lita-cron 0.0.3

A Lita handler for creating cron-spec'd replies.

11,665 下載

lita-aws-ecs 1.0.1

Lita handler to manage ecs

11,583 下載

lita-glip 0.2.0

A Glip adapter for Lita.

11,553 下載

lita-onewheel-beer-apex 0.2.7

Lita interface to Apex Bar's listings.

11,529 下載

lita-salt 1.1.0

Salt handler for lita 4+

11,512 下載

lita-libratoo 0.1.4

Query librato metrics from Lita

11,503 下載

lita-wizard 1.0.3

A lita extension to build wizards

11,462 下載

lita-onewheel-beer-tin-bucket 0.1.3

Lita interface to Tin Bucket's listings.

11,439 下載

lita-kintai 0.3.2

A lita handler for summarize attendance emails. Fuckin' legacy attendance management me...

11,397 下載

lita-kegbot 1.0.0

A Kegbot plugin for Lita

11,396 下載

總下載次數 2,140,339

這個版本 39,227



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
