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lita 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 lita

lita-aws-cloudwatch 0.1.3

Receive AWS CloudWatch alarm from AWS SNS (Simple Notification Service), and messaging ...

6,669 下載

lita-announce 0.1.2

Lita plugin to make announcements across multiple channels.

6,653 下載

lita-manners 0.1.1

Makes Lita politely respond to simple hello/goodbye/thank you commands and mentions

6,587 下載

lita-redmine 0.0.2

Redmine interaction through Lita

6,507 下載

lita-gitlab2jenkins_ghp 1.0.0

A Lita Handler for storing gitlabs's pushed events for after send them in a merge reque...

6,499 下載

lita-butt 0.1.2

Lita Handler to print ASCII butts

6,390 下載

lita-heroku-keepalive 0.2.1

Based on hubot-heroku-keepalive, to keep Heroku's free tire live

6,355 下載

lita-regexcellent 0.1.2

Search and parse through Slack channel history with regex

6,346 下載

lita_dotenv 0.0.3

A Lita .env config loader.

6,313 下載

lita-inspirebot 0.0.3

A Lita handler for inspirational quotes.

6,288 下載

lita-ey-base 0.0.2

A Lita base handler with shared code for all ey-lita-* gems.

6,206 下載

lita-deploygate 0.1.1

A Deploygate plugin for Lita

6,183 下載

lita-doubler 0.1.2

Doubles numbers

6,174 下載

lita-bitcoin 1.0.0

A Lita handler to check the current BTC/USD exchange rate

6,164 下載

lita-ey-tools 0.0.2

A Lita handler with some EY tools.

6,144 下載

lita-hackersays 1.0.1

Handler for Lita Chat bot that provides quotes from hackers backed by

6,112 下載

lita-half-marathon-trainer 0.1.2

remdinder for half marathon training

6,098 下載

lita-karotz_actions 0.0.2

Send actions to the karot kake app

6,080 下載

lita-karotz_deploy_hook 0.0.2

Sends a directive to Karotz to vocalize the deployment details.

6,068 下載

lita-keepalive 0.0.2

Keepalive plugin for Lita and heroku - pings its own route periodically to keep Heroku ...

6,049 下載

lita-dolan 0.0.2

A Lita handler for Dolan comics

6,036 下載

lita-boardgamegeek 0.1.1

lita handler for boardgamegeek searches

6,033 下載

lita-netping 0.6.0

An IP ping plugin for Lita

5,920 下載

lita-remember 0.0.2

A Lita plugin that remembers terms and definitions.

5,909 下載

lita-vrt-mess 0.2.0 handler for getting the Menu of the VRT mess

5,868 下載

lita-nope-badger 0.1.1

Everyone loves the nope-badger

5,822 下載

lita-clever 0.0.2

A Lita handler for Cleverbot.

5,814 下載

lita-onewheel-beer-craftpourhouse 1.0.0

Lita interface to Craftpourhouse's Barlistings.

5,813 下載

lita-sensu2 0.3.2

Lita plugin to interact with sensu

5,808 下載

lita-cleverbot 1.0.1

Lita AI via

5,779 下載

總下載次數 2,143,540

這個版本 40,887




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
