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kramdown 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 kramdown

currency_converter 1.1.4

Simple Ruby API to get exchange rates from currencies using Yahoo finance currency conv...

25,953 下载

benoit 0.4.0

The CLI interface behind the Benoit Mac app

25,845 下载

mmarkdown 0.2.1

Kramdown based markdown to HTML tool with math rendering

25,179 下载

jekyll-zettel 0.7.2

Coming soon…

24,922 下载

stiki 0.2.0

A simple wiki Rails engine

24,175 下载

rubykiq 1.0.2

Sidekiq agnostic enqueuing using Redis

23,797 下载

kramdown-man 1.0.1

Allows you to write man pages for commands in pure Markdown and convert them to roff us...

23,671 下载

author 1.2.0.alpha

Quickly create ebooks using Markdown

23,360 下载

slodown 0.4.0

Markdown + oEmbed + Sanitize + Syntax Highlighting = the ultimate user input rendering ...

23,118 下载

guard-markdown 0.2.0

Watches a source folder and converts markdown docs to html docs in a target folder

23,102 下载

sidekiq-encryptor 0.2.0

Sidekiq middleware that encrypts your job data into and out of Redis.

22,991 下载

hexpress 1.2.0

Hexpress is for Human Expressions, similar to Verbal Expressions

22,580 下载

textigniter 0.0.36

Textigniter is a lightweight static site generator based on textile (markdown optional)...

22,385 下载

mmailer 0.1.1

Bulk mailer with remote control (drb server)

21,978 下载

rhet-butler 0.14.1

Rhet Butler is a presentation assistant. Build a slide deck in simple YAML, design it...

21,925 下载

epubforge 0.0.11

= epubforge = Write your book in markdown, then do all sorts of increasingly nifty thi...

21,882 下载

office_clerk 1.0.0

Rubyclerks is a small buisness management solution, including an online presence (shop)...

21,510 下载

filmbuff 1.0.0

Film Buff provides a Ruby wrapper for IMDb's JSON API, which is the fastest and easiest...

21,431 下载

time-predicates 0.3.3

Having trouble figuring out which date is in the future looking at > or < ?

21,332 下载

i18n-transformers 0.1.0

Transformers for I18n ruby library

21,190 下载

malt 0.4.0

Malt provides a factory framework for rendering a variety of template and markup docume...

20,768 下载

fluent-plugin-droonga 1.0.1

Droonga (distributed Groonga) plugin for Fluent event collector

20,733 下载

convert 0.1.7

Easily convert any string and replace with links and embedded content from a long list ...

20,469 下载

moft 1.0.5

Moft is a simple, static site generator. A fork of jekyll, designed for greater simplic...

20,380 下载

multi_mime 1.1.0

A generic swappable back-end for MIME type detection

20,157 下载

archimate 2.2.1

A collection of tools for working with ArchiMate files from Archi

20,071 下载

don-pages 0.0.10

For standardised CI build.

20,032 下载

distorted-jekyll 0.7.0

Jekyll::DistorteD is a Liquid tag for embedding media in a Jekyll site with automatic t...

19,835 下载

kanpachi 0.0.7

Provides a DSL to describe your web API, generate documentation, and will eventually he...

19,666 下载

docface 0.0.7

A markdown documentation generator/viewer. View your markdown files as a structured web...

19,607 下载

下载总量 165,506,260

这个版本 44,403,887




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.3
