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kramdown 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 kramdown


A Ruby parser written in pure Ruby.

3,723 下载

designer 0.1.3

Design rich text markdown pages in Rails applications

3,713 下载

markdown2docx 0.1.3

Combines markdown in a yaml file with a docx template

3,712 下载

nasreddin 0.3.10

Nasreddin is a library to make distributed calls via HornetQ

3,702 下载

ghost_story 0.0.1

Ghost Story allows you to write a story in markdown. The story can then be read back to...

3,650 下载

kramdown-syntax_tree_sitter 0.6.0

This is a syntax highlighter plugin for Kramdown that leverages Tree-sitter's native sy...

3,624 下载

literate-ruby 0.0.1

Literate Programming, with Ruby.

3,615 下载

sync-sf 1.0.0

helping manage project web shell sourceforge repostory

3,597 下载

jewfish 0.0.1

tiny static website generator

3,595 下载

groundskeeper 1.0.0

A simple multi-tenancy middleware with options

3,591 下载

beckett 0.1.0

A Markdown renderer, using Kramdown, to convert to JSON, HTML5 or a Ruby Hash.

3,568 下载

yaw 0.0.2

Unlike a complete wiki engine, yaw is a wiki library to be embeded in your rails ap...

3,564 下载

markun 0.0.1

Markun is Markdown bulk converter with menu link

3,542 下载

riak-client-noenc 1.0.0

riak-client is a rich client for Riak, the distributed database by Basho. It supports t...

3,541 下载

utopia-wiki 0.3.0

A simple wiki for Utopia.

3,516 下载

middleman-liaison 0.1.0

Liaison is a fancier sounding name for a middleman. Liaison is also ...

3,516 下载

rspec-json_helpers 1.0.0

RSpec helpers for working with JSON values.

3,502 下载

kramdown-math-ritex 1.0.0

kramdown-math-ritex uses ritex to convert math elements to MathML

3,497 下载

l_axlsx 2.0.1

xlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable s...

3,494 下载

apphtml_layer 0.2.0

Add a basic HTML wrapper to your Ruby object. Suitable for use with a web server.

3,491 下载

rubyjedi-oga 1.0.3

Oga is an XML/HTML parser written in Ruby.

3,467 下载

gem_metadata 0.1.0

GemMetadata is a Ruby library that allows to filter and access gems by custom metadata ...

3,463 下载

rspec-http_helpers 1.0.1

RSpec helpers for matching HTTP requests and responses.

3,436 下载

dg-axlsx 2.1.0

xlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable s...

3,359 下载

middleman-frontkit 0.0.1

A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...

3,355 下载

stormy 0.0.1

Still Minimal

3,340 下载

file_permissions 0.1.0

FilePermissions is a Ruby library providing an object representation of the file permis...

3,333 下载

scribedown 0.0.1

Markdown for report writing

3,253 下载

kd 0.0.1

Compiles a kramdown file to pdf and html. This can be done with the kramdown gem, but ...

3,205 下载

bit_set 0.1.0

BitSet is a Ruby library implementing a bit set structure with labeled digits and binar...

3,170 下载

下载总量 165,589,889

这个版本 44,462,507




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.3
