RubyGems Navigation menu

kramdownの被依存関係 以下のgemの最新版はkramdownを必要としています

locomotivecms_steam 1.7.1

The LocomotiveCMS Steam is the rendering stack used by both Wagon and Engine

161,627 ダウンロード数

fluentd-ui 1.2.1

Web UI for Fluentd

159,717 ダウンロード数

omniauth-gplus 2.0.1

A Google+ OAuth2 solution for Omniauth

149,571 ダウンロード数

gitlab_kramdown 0.28.0

GitLab Flavored Markdown extensions on top of Kramdown markup. Tries to be as close as ...

136,593 ダウンロード数


Fork of google-api-client used by Ruby-based Arvados components.

135,501 ダウンロード数

twb 5.2.7

A sollection of Ruby classes designed for accessing and recording information about, an...

132,898 ダウンロード数

red-palette 0.5.0

Red Palette provides features for dealing with palette.

118,615 ダウンロード数

e9_crm 0.1.34

*NOTE his plugin requires the private e9_base CMS gem and WILL NOT WORK without it.* C...

112,597 ダウンロード数

earl-report 0.9.1

EarlReport generates HTML+RDFa rollups of multiple EARL reports.

109,823 ダウンロード数

zenweb 3.11.0

Zenweb is a set of classes/tools for organizing and formating a website. It is website ...

109,465 ダウンロード数

anecdote 0.2.8

Provides Raconteur tags and front-end code for general-purpose page layouts

108,282 ダウンロード数

usmu 1.4.6

Usmu is a static site generator built in Ruby that leverages the Tilt API to support ma...

107,484 ダウンロード数

time-lord 1.0.1

Managing concepts of time and space in Ruby

105,024 ダウンロード数

machinery-tool 1.24.1

Machinery is a systems management toolkit for Linux. It supports configuration discover...

104,444 ダウンロード数

kramdown-plantuml 1.3.3

kramdown-plantuml allows you to use PlantUML syntax within fenced code blocks with Kram...

103,283 ダウンロード数

nronn 0.11.1

Advanced ronn: nRonn. nRonn builds manuals in HTML and Unix man page format from Markdo...

102,304 ダウンロード数

chupa-text 1.3.3

ChupaText is an extensible text extractor. You can plug your custom text extractor in C...

101,021 ダウンロード数

opro 0.5.0

Enable OAuth clients (iphone, android, web sites, etc.) to access and use your Rails ap...

100,932 ダウンロード数

enju_seed 0.3.6

Seed module for Next-L Enju

100,232 ダウンロード数

cmor_blog 0.0.60.pre

Cmor::Blog Module.

97,952 ダウンロード数

axlsx-alt 3.0.1

xlsx spreadsheet generation with charts, images, automated column width, customizable s...

94,388 ダウンロード数

documentation-editor 0.12.3

The goal of this project is to provide an easy & frictionless way to edit an online...

90,469 ダウンロード数

forspell 0.0.9

Forspell is spellchecker for code and documentation.It uses well-known hunspell tool an...

90,152 ダウンロード数

lurker 1.0.0

The new de-facto for API testing your Rails application

89,544 ダウンロード数

coursegen 0.9.25

Use Nanoc to build courses and deploy them to S3

89,449 ダウンロード数

kramdown-asciidoc 2.1.0

A kramdown extension for converting Markdown documents to AsciiDoc.

86,283 ダウンロード数

knitkit 3.2.0

Knitkit is CompassAE's content and digital asset management application. It is based on...

85,489 ダウンロード数

reveal-ck 4.0.0

A cli for generating reveal.js presentations from markdown.

81,352 ダウンロード数

roqua-healthy 1.6.0

Receives queries from RoQua, sends them to Mirth, and translates Mirth's responses back...

80,736 ダウンロード数

yarrow 0.9.4

Yarrow is a tool for generating well structured documentation from a variety of input s...

79,568 ダウンロード数

累計ダウンロード数 156,084,235

このバージョンのみ 38,908,982



必要なRubyのバージョン: >= 2.3
