RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour json_pure Latest version of the following gems require json_pure

wakame 0.5.1

A distributed service framework on top of Cloud environments.

18 437 Téléchargements

haml_interceptor 0.4.1

haml_interceptor is a Rack middleware designed to intercept JS responses from a web app...

18 315 Téléchargements

buildr-gemjar 1.1.0

Provides buildr support for packaging gems in a JAR for JRuby

18 020 Téléchargements

localwiki_client 0.3.1

A thin client that wraps the Localwiki API.

17 994 Téléchargements

cloudfoundry-client 0.3.0

This is a Ruby wrapper for the CloudFoundry API, the industry’s first open Platform as ...

17 701 Téléchargements

octool 0.0.12

Open Compliance Toolkit

17 465 Téléchargements

jasmine-selenium-sauce 1.2.1

Rake tasks for running your Jasmine suite via a local browser or through SauceLabs

17 387 Téléchargements

geokit-premier 0.1.0

Enhanced the google geocoder to take advantage of the premier account offering

17 317 Téléchargements

js_rake_tasks 0.1.1

Rake tasks for little JavaScript projects

17 221 Téléchargements

fiveruns_tuneup_core 0.5.3

Core utilities for FiveRuns TuneUp panels

16 933 Téléchargements

apollon 0.0.6

CLI for Apollo Fat Box

16 831 Téléchargements

typhoid 0.0.5

A lightweight ORM-like wrapper around Typhoeus

16 326 Téléchargements

json2csv 0.0.4

JSON to CSV conversion tool with user friendly CLI

16 197 Téléchargements

openstudio-recommendation-engine 0.1.5

This gem contains the framework needed to execute the recommendation engine on measures...

15 790 Téléchargements

vas 1.1.1

A Ruby API for VMware vFabric Administration Server

15 227 Téléchargements

zenpush 0.3.1

Push your markdown files to your Zendesk knowledge base

15 119 Téléchargements


An alternative API for CmdParse

15 078 Téléchargements

kerio-api 1.0.0

This gem allows simple access to administration API of Kerio products

15 069 Téléchargements

mizuno-aspace 9.4.44

Jetty-powered running shoes for JRuby/Rack.

15 029 Téléchargements

smsforall 0.1.1

Interaction with API

14 989 Téléchargements

everbox_client 0.0.12

EverBox Command Tool

14 966 Téléchargements

npa_lookup 1.3.0

NPA|Nxx Lookup command line tool for CloudVox's API

14 871 Téléchargements

zuora-client 1.0.2

A client for Zuora

14 730 Téléchargements

tap-ubiquity 0.4.0

Making Tap available in Ubiquity

14 650 Téléchargements

new_cfoundry 4.9.4

High-level library for working with the Cloud Foundry API. This is fork from https://gi...

14 411 Téléchargements

asiasearch 0.0.3

Yahoo Asia Search provides user an interface for automated semantic analysis and langua...

14 392 Téléchargements

dolores-cfml 0.2.2

CFML let's you easily create form elements and custom interfaces for the CrowdFlower Cr...

14 275 Téléchargements

quora-client 0.1.2

This GEM provides an easy way to access Quora Alpha API

14 264 Téléchargements

buildhawk 0.2.1

Display historical stats about your build

14 181 Téléchargements

couchapp 0.1.7

CouchApp is a set of helpers and a jQuery plugin that conspire to get you up and runnin...

14 172 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 58 230 243

Pour cette version 364 111



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.3
