RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para jquery-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren jquery-rails

easy_reports 0.0.27

Rails engine for interactive charts for rails apps.

64.169 Descargas

beyond_canvas 0.23.0.pre

Beyond Canvas is an open-source framework that provides CSS styles for apps designe...

62.987 Descargas

replidog 1.1.3

master-slave replication helper for ActiveRecord

62.246 Descargas

kiteditor 1.0.25

This is a fork of the wonderful Mercury Rails WYSIWYG editor, modified very slightly fo...

61.891 Descargas

semantic-rails-ui 1.0.5

Create beautiful hrml layouts with semantic-ui, simple_form and rails

61.189 Descargas

naf 2.1.13

A cloud based distributed cron, application framework and operations console. Naf works...

61.074 Descargas

quby 5.6.4

Quby is a Rails engine that can render and update answers for questionnaires defined in...

60.590 Descargas

zizia 6.0.1

Hyrax importers.

60.479 Descargas

discerner 2.0.16

Discerner is an engine for Rails that provides basic search UI, search reqults export U...

59.579 Descargas

realtime-validations 0.3.1

Form real time validations for free on Rails applications

59.111 Descargas

magic_grid 0.12.6

Displays a collection (ActiveRelation or Array-like object) wrapped in an html tabl...

59.092 Descargas

ninoxe 1.2.3

This library provides a model to navigate through Chouette database.

59.053 Descargas

upmin-admin 0.1.3

Customizable admin dashboards generated with only a few lines of code.

58.668 Descargas

mix-rails-core 0.26.3

This is the core of the mix-rails

57.849 Descargas

simple_form_attachments 1.2.0

A Rails engine which takes care of creating Attachments using the jQuery File Upload pl...

57.747 Descargas

twitter-bootstrap-components-rails 1.0.0

Twitter Bootstrap Components for Rails.

57.651 Descargas

fae-rails 3.0.0

CMS for Rails. For Reals.

57.188 Descargas

tida_template 0.3.2

Rails Template of Tida App Group

56.911 Descargas

mno-enterprise-frontend 3.4.0

Angular/Bootstrap frontend for MNOE

56.832 Descargas

auto_error 0.0.18

AutoError is a mountable engine for Rails 4.0+ which provides an 'exceptions_app' w...

56.647 Descargas

kentouzu 0.2.4

Add drafts to ActiveRecord models.

56.440 Descargas


Delayed Job Dashboard

56.309 Descargas

initjs 2.2.0

Initjs helps you organize your javascript to play nice with Rails' asset pipeline. Prov...

56.137 Descargas

codegears 0.0.2

Client library and CLI to manage apps on CodeGears

56.115 Descargas

rails4_client_side_validations 4.2.0

Client Side Validations for Rails 4

55.820 Descargas

hot_date_rails 2.0.2

A gem that allows you to add date only, time only and datetime pickers to your forms. ...

55.467 Descargas

xhive 1.6.7

Simple Rails AJAX CMS

55.095 Descargas

rails_admin_dropzone 1.1.1

Easy to use integration of drag&drop files upload via dropzone.js for RailsAdmin

54.954 Descargas

kendoui-rails 0.1.1

Adds GPLv3 Portions of Kendo UI ( to javascripts and styles folders

54.648 Descargas

signature-pad-rails 1.0.1

This gem provides Tom Bradley's Signature Pad jquery plugin, plus json2 and flashcanvas...

54.509 Descargas

Total de descargas 246.793.687

Para esta versión 9.895.843



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.3

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 1.3.6
