RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para jquery-rails La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren jquery-rails

jhtmlarea 0.1.0

A wrapper for jHtmlArea, a TextArea Wysiwyg editor

54.043 Descargas

tabler-rubygem 0.1.4

Integrates Tabler Dashboard UI Kit (built on Bootstrap 4) into Rails Asset Pipeline

53.254 Descargas

ask 0.5.4

Allow your site's maintainers to easily create forms.

52.696 Descargas

jquery-svg-rails 0.1.1

A jQuery plugin that lets you interact with an SVG canvas adapted for the Rails asset p...

52.545 Descargas

dynamic_fields 0.3.3

Dynamically generate fields for Rails by using jQuery.

52.492 Descargas

blogo 0.1.4

Mountable blog engine for Ruby on Rails. It allows you to quickly add a featured blog t...

51.951 Descargas

proclaim 0.6.6

Most Rails blogging tools include everything you could ever want, including things yo...

51.909 Descargas

pattana 0.1.25

Pattana gives you a user module with Admin Interface to Manage Features, Users and thei...

51.694 Descargas

helio 0.1.12

Superjova CSS Framework

51.597 Descargas

slash_admin 1.5.11

A modern and overridable admin gem, just the rails way.

51.537 Descargas

railsstrap 3.3.4

Make rails and bootstrap sing with awesome helpers, additional components, and more.

51.220 Descargas

quorum 0.8.2

Flexible bioinformatics search tool.

51.144 Descargas

repertoire-faceting 0.7.9

Repertoire-faceting adds scalable facet indexing, ajax facet widgets, and extras like G...

50.637 Descargas

ex_cite 2.1.0

Leverages citero-jruby gem and acts_as_citable to deliver a download and push mechanism.

50.453 Descargas

kilt-cms 1.1.0

Microsite Platform for Rails 4

50.285 Descargas

johnhenry 1.0.22

Launch a landing page on Heroku in less than 10 minutes with JohnHenry. This gem se...

50.198 Descargas

voluntary 0.7.1

#Crowdsourcing management system for #RubyOnRails:

50.136 Descargas

ecm_cms2 5.1.2

CMS base module for ruby on rails.

49.918 Descargas

emerson 0.0.11

transcendent views

49.790 Descargas

dynamic_query 0.7.2

A dynamic query gui for ActiveRecord

49.771 Descargas

my_dashboard 0.8.6

Generate awesome widgets dashboard for Rails with FlexBox.

49.756 Descargas

flight-for-rails 1.5.1

Flight javascript framework for Rails assets pipeline

49.656 Descargas

static_blocks 1.2.1

Create static blocks of content. Place them anywhere in your views.

49.466 Descargas

infinitescrolling-rails 0.3.0

This gem provides the infinite scrolling jQuery plugin for your Rails 3.1 application.

49.429 Descargas

refinerycms-stores 0.1.0

Complete engine for Stripe gateway-based shopping cart to be used with a RefineryCMS pr...

49.296 Descargas

retter 0.2.5

Flyweight diary workflow. ruby-1.9.2 or later is required.

49.225 Descargas

navi 0.2.1

Allows you to save menu items in the database. You can create your own renderer.

48.942 Descargas

test_server 0.5.2

Test server for proxies

48.711 Descargas

combo_box 0.0.12

Adds helpers for Rails views and controller in order to manage 'dynamic select'. It use...

48.646 Descargas

monologue 0.5.0

Monologue is a basic blogging engine. It is a Rails mountable engine so it can be mount...

48.597 Descargas

Total de descargas 246.897.590

Para esta versión 9.943.190



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.3

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 1.3.6
