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itamae 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 itamae

itamae-plugin-resource-alternatives 0.0.0

Itamae resource plugin to manage "update-alternatives".

5,286 下載

demae 0.1.1

Itamae ssh runner for nodes on environment.

5,284 下載

itamae-default_attributes 0.1.1

Using itamae-default_attributes, recipes can load default attributes

5,136 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-kzyty_redis 0.1.1

Itamae plugin to install redis by package.

4,891 下載

itamae-plugin-resource-aur_package 0.1.1

An Itamae resource for AUR (Arch User Repository)

4,240 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-elixir 0.0.2

Itamae plugin to install elixir

4,044 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-phantomjs 0.0.1

Itamae Recipe 'phantomjs'

3,421 下載

itamae-plugin-resource-ghq 0.0.1

Itamae resource plugin to manage repositories with ghq.

3,336 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-rtn_php_nabe 0.0.1

Itamae recipe plugin for php-nabe.

3,217 下載

itamae-plugin-resource-aws 0.0.1

Itamae plugin for control AWS resources

3,163 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-nm_chruby 0.1.0

itamae plugin for the chruby utility

3,097 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-plenv 0.1.0

itamae plugin recipe plenv

3,087 下載

itamae-plugin-resource-brew_tap 0.1.0

Homebrew tap resource for Itamae plugin

3,086 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-kzyty_mysql 0.1.0

Itamae plugin to install mysql by package.

3,051 下載

itamae-plugin-resource-security_context 0.1.0

Itamae resource plugin to handle with SELinux security context.

3,035 下載

itamae-relative-recipe-graph 0.0.1

Make path of the recipe graph relative in itamae.

3,002 下載

itamae-plugin-resource-mysql_query 0.0.1

Itamae resource plugin to run mysql query.

2,934 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-postgresql 0.0.1

itamae recipe for postgresql installation

2,890 下載

vagrant-itamae-command 0.0.1

Vagrant plugin for itamae command

2,857 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-redis 0.1.1

Itamae plugin to install redis by package.

2,769 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-memcached 0.1.0

itamae recipe for memcached installation

2,726 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-prometheus 0.0.1

Itamae plugin to install prometheus.

2,397 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-goenv 0.0.1

Itamae plugin to install golang with goenv

2,396 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-scala 0.0.1

Itamae plugin to install scala

2,292 下載

itamae-plugin-resource-remote_template_directory 0.1.0

Extended itamae's remote_directory resource which each local file is template.

2,287 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-scalaenv 0.0.1

Itamae plugin to install scala with scalaenv

2,249 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-sbtenv 0.0.1

Itamae plugin to install sbt with sbtenv

2,234 下載

itamae-plugin-resource-snappy 0.1.0

Install snap package in itamae provision.

2,183 下載

itamae-plugin-recipe-kafka 0.0.1

Itamae plugin to install kafka

2,181 下載

itamae-plugin-resource-selinux_context 0.3.1

selinux context resource of itamae plugin.

2,053 下載

總下載次數 1,046,951

這個版本 33,942



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0

新版本需要 MFA: true

使用 MFA 發布的版本: true
