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hydra-head 3.2.0.pre1

Hydra-Head is a Rails Engine containing the core code for a Hydra application. The full hydra stack includes: Blacklight, Fedora, Solr, active-fedora, solrizer, and om

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  1. 12.1.0 - January 27, 2023 (4,5 ko)
  2. 12.0.2 - July 27, 2022 (4,5 ko)
  3. 12.0.1 - May 17, 2021 (4,5 ko)
  4. 12.0.0 - November 18, 2020 (4,5 ko)
  5. 11.0.7 - May 17, 2021 (4,5 ko)
  6. 3.2.0.pre1 - January 02, 2012 (20,4 Mo)
Voir toutes les versions (188)

Dépendances de Runtime (35):

active-fedora >= 3.2.0.pre5
blacklight = 3.0.0
builder = 2.1.2
columnize >= 0
crack >= 0
curb = 0.7.15
diff-lcs >= 0
facets = 2.8.4
haml >= 0
httparty >= 0
json_pure > 1.4.3
launchy >= 0
linecache >= 0
mime-types >= 0
nokogiri >= 0
om >= 1.2.3
rack >= 0
rack-test >= 0
rails ~> 3.0.10
rake >= 0
RedCloth = 4.2.3
rsolr = 1.0.2
sanitize >= 0
solrizer >= 1.1.0
solrizer-fedora >= 1.2.2
solr-ruby >= 0
trollop >= 0
xml-simple >= 0

Dépendances de Development (11):

cucumber >= 0.8.5
cucumber-rails >= 1.0.0
gherkin >= 0
jettywrapper >= 1.0.4
mocha >= 0
rake >= 0
rspec-rails >= 2.7.0
ruby-debug >= 0
yard >= 0



  • Matt Zumwalt, Bess Sadler, Julie Meloni, Naomi Dushay, Jessie Keck, John Scofield, Justin Coyne & many more. See

Total de contrôle SHA 256:

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Total de téléchargements 783 026

Pour cette version 2 581

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: None

New versions require MFA: true

Required Rubygems Version: > 1.3.1
