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hoe 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 hoe

automateit 0.80624

AutomateIt is an open source tool for automating the setup and maintenance of servers, ...

138,213 下載

pakman 1.1.0

pakman - Template Pack Manager (incl. Embedded Ruby, Liquid, etc.)

137,464 下載

feedparser 2.2.0

feedparser - web feed parser and normalizer (RSS, Atom, JSON Feed, HTML h-entry, etc.)

137,352 下載

ruby-pg 0.8.0

This is an old, deprecated version of the 'pg' gem that hasn't been maintained or suppo...

137,079 下載

gaudi 0.7.0

## DESCRIPTION This gem provides setup, scaffolding and maintenance functions for [gau...

133,815 下載

pluginfactory 1.0.8

PluginFactory is a mixin module that turns an including class into a factory for its de...

133,645 下載

activerecord-utils 0.4.1

activerecord-utils - utilities (e.g. random, alias_attr, etc.) for activerecord

132,633 下載

pluto-update 1.6.4

pluto-update - planet feed 'n' subscription updater

131,425 下載

maca-fork-csspool 2.0.2

CSSPool is a CSS parser. CSSPool provides a SAC interface for parsing CSS as well as a...

130,999 下載

hoe-debugging 2.0.0

A Hoe plugin to help you debug your C extensions. This plugin provides `test:gdb` and `...

130,511 下載

rfeedreader 1.0.17

Feed parser to read feed and return first posts of this feed. Special parsing from sour...

130,307 下載

treequel 1.12.0

Treequel is an LDAP toolkit for Ruby. It is intended to allow quick, easy access to LDA...

129,677 下載

logutils-activerecord 0.2.1

Another Logger - Addon for Database Support (LogDb, Log Model etc.)

127,560 下載

ofx-parser 1.1.0

== DESCRIPTION: ofx-parser is a ruby library to parse a realistic subset of the length...

127,388 下載

webclient 0.2.2

webclient gem - yet (another) universal network client interface for world wide web (ww...

127,005 下載

benhoskings-hammock 0.3.12

Hammock is a Rails plugin that eliminates redundant code in a very RESTful manner. It d...

126,340 下載

hoe-seattlerb 1.3.5

Hoe plugins providing tasks used by seattle.rb including minitest, perforce, and email ...

125,824 下載

pluto-tasks 1.5.3

pluto-tasks - planet rake tasks (setup, update, stats, etc.)

124,693 下載

bytes 1.0.0

bytes - bits 'n' bytes made easy/easier incl. new buffer helper / wrapper class to help...

124,121 下載

glue 1.1.1

The Glue gem enables posting to API service using an account subdomain, use...

122,345 下載

kyanite 0.8.4

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

122,289 下載

feedfilter 1.1.1

feedfilter - feed filter and rules for easy (re)use

122,078 下載

described_routes 0.8.3

Features: * Dynamic, framework-neutral, client-friendly <code>ResourceTemplate</code> m...

121,784 下載

ssh 1.1.1

SSH provides a simple streaming ssh command runner. That's it. This is a one trick pony...

121,571 下載

abicoder 1.0.1

abicoder - 'lite' application binary interface (abi) encoding / decoding machinery / he...

121,119 下載

rubygems-test 0.4.3

This installs three major features: * a 'gem test' command. * the ability to test ...

120,900 下載

activityutils 0.1.2

activityutils - activity (timeline) utilities

120,164 下載

cocos 0.3.1

cocos (code commons) - auto-include quick-starter prelude & prolog

120,068 下載

pluto-feedfetcher 0.1.6

pluto-feedfetcher - fetch web feeds (w/ conditional HTTP get e.g. use etags, if-modifie...

118,787 下載

abiparser 0.1.3

abiparser - application binary interface (abi) parser machinery / helper for Ethereum &...

118,716 下載

總下載次數 8,465,071

這個版本 1,627



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7, < 4

RubyGems 版本需求: >= 3.0
